The Board of Nursing shall consist of 14 members as follows: eight registered nurses, at least two of whom are licensed nurse practitioners; two licensed practical nurses; three citizen members; and one member who shall be a registered nurse or a licensed practical nurse. The terms of office of the Board shall be four years.
The Board shall meet at least annually and shall elect officers from its membership. It may hold such other meetings as may be necessary to perform its duties. A majority of the Board including one of its officers shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business at any meeting. Special meetings of the Board shall be called by the administrative officer upon written request of two members.
The Board shall have an administrative officer who shall be a registered nurse.
Code 1950, §§ 54-327, 54-328, 54-336, 54-341, 54-342; 1960, c. 61; 1968, c. 337, § 54-367.12; 1970, c. 116, § 54-367.10; 1975, c. 106, §§ 54-367.3, 54-367.4; 1979, c. 5; 1980, c. 728; 1982, c. 598; 1986, c. 464; 1988, c. 765; 1993, c. 404; 2008, c. 34; 2016, c. 105; 2019, c. 169.
Structure Code of Virginia
Title 54.1 - Professions and Occupations
§ 54.1-3002. Board of Nursing; membership; terms; meetings; quorum; administrative officer
§ 54.1-3003. Qualifications of members
§ 54.1-3005. Specific powers and duties of Board
§ 54.1-3005.1. Criminal history background checks
§ 54.1-3006. Advisory committees
§ 54.1-3006.1. Public school nursing education programs
§ 54.1-3006.2. Nurse aide education program
§ 54.1-3007. Refusal, revocation or suspension, censure or probation
§ 54.1-3008. Particular violations; prosecution
§ 54.1-3011. Renewal of licenses; lapsed licenses; reinstatement; penalties
§ 54.1-3011.01. Restricted volunteer license for registered or practical nurses
§ 54.1-3011.1. Additional fee required for licensure of certain practitioners
§ 54.1-3011.2. Nursing Scholarship and Loan Repayment Fund
§ 54.1-3012. Additional power of the Board
§ 54.1-3012.1. Nursing workforce information
§ 54.1-3013. Approval of nursing education program
§ 54.1-3013.1. Nursing education programs to include child abuse recognition and intervention
§ 54.1-3015. Continuance of license of certified tuberculosis nurse
§ 54.1-3016. Use of title "registered nurse" or "R.N."
§ 54.1-3016.1. Correctional health assistants
§ 54.1-3017.1. Registered nurse provisional license
§ 54.1-3018. Registered nurse's license by endorsement
§ 54.1-3018.2. (Effective July 1, 2023) Pediatric sexual assault survivor services; requirements
§ 54.1-3019. Use of title "licensed practical nurse" or "L.P.N."
§ 54.1-3020. Qualifications of applicant for practical nurse's license
§ 54.1-3021. Practical nurse's license by endorsement
§ 54.1-3022. Use of the title "Certified Nurse Aide" or "C.N.A."
§ 54.1-3023. Application for certification by competency evaluation
§ 54.1-3024. Application for certification by endorsement
§ 54.1-3025. Certification by competency evaluation
§ 54.1-3025.1. Advanced certification; renewal
§ 54.1-3026. Renewal of certification
§ 54.1-3028. Registration of nurse aides prior to October 1, 1989
§ 54.1-3028.1. Nurse aide education programs
§ 54.1-3029. Qualifications for a licensed massage therapist
§ 54.1-3029.1. Advisory Board on Massage Therapy
§ 54.1-3040.1. Findings and declaration of purpose
§ 54.1-3040.3. General provisions and jurisdiction
§ 54.1-3040.4. Applications for licensure in a party state
§ 54.1-3040.5. Additional authorities invested in party state licensing boards
§ 54.1-3040.6. Coordinated licensure information system and exchange of information
§ 54.1-3040.7. Establishment of the Interstate Commission of Nurse Licensure Compact Administrators
§ 54.1-3040.9. Oversight, dispute resolution, and enforcement
§ 54.1-3040.10. Effective date, withdrawal, and amendment
§ 54.1-3040.11. Construction and severability
§ 54.1-3041. Registration required
§ 54.1-3042. Application for registration by competency evaluation