Code of Virginia
Chapter 1 - Virginia Retirement System
§ 51.1-142.2. Prior service or membership credit for certain members; service credit for accumulated sick leave

Certain members may purchase credit for service as provided in this section.
A. 1. Any member in service may purchase service credit from the following categories of service or leave: (i) leave of absence for educational purposes that was previously approved by the member's employer; (ii) leave of absence for a serious health condition of the member or of an immediate family member, all as defined in the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, 29 U.S.C. § 2601 et seq., as amended, and previously certified by the member's employer; (iii) up to one year of service credit per occurrence of leave for any unpaid leave of absence due to the birth, adoption, or death of a qualifying child, as defined in § 51.1-500; (iv) service as a full-time employee of another state, a public school system of another state, or a political subdivision of the Commonwealth or another state, as certified by such state, public school system, or political subdivision; (v) full-time service of a political subdivision of this state not credited to the member under an agreement as provided for in § 51.1-143.1, as certified by such political subdivision; (vi) full-time civilian service of the United States; (vii) full-time service at a private institution of higher education if the private institution is merged with a public institution of higher education and graduates of the private institution are then issued new degrees from the public institution; or (viii) any period of time when the member was employed part time or in a wage position by a participating employer and not otherwise eligible to participate in the retirement system because the member was not an employee as defined in § 51.1-124.3. However, no member in service shall be allowed to purchase more than a total of four years of service credit pursuant to this subdivision.
2. In addition to the service credit that may be purchased under subdivision 1, any member in service may purchase up to four years of service credit for prior active duty military service in the armed forces of the United States, provided that the discharge from a period of active duty status with the armed forces was not dishonorable.
3. The service credit to be credited to a member under this subsection shall be calculated at the ratio of one year, or portion thereof, of service credit to one year, or portion thereof, of service purchased, except for employment service purchased under clause (viii) of subdivision 1, which shall be calculated at the ratio of one month of service credit for each 173 hours of service as certified by the employer.
For each year or portion thereof to be credited at the time of purchase under this subsection, the member shall pay the approximate normal cost of the retirement plan under which the member is covered at the time of such purchase, as determined by the Board in its sole discretion. If the member does not purchase, or enter into a purchase of service credit contract for, the service made available in this subsection within the first 24 months of the member's active service following his first date of hire or the final day of any applicable leave of absence, as applicable, then, for each year or portion thereof to be credited at the time of purchase, the member shall pay the actuarial equivalent cost. To the extent the member becomes inactive during the 24 months following his first date of hire or the final day of any applicable leave of absence, such periods shall not be included in the 24 months of active service.
Except as otherwise required by Chapter 1223 of Title 10 of the United States Code, as amended, no service credit may be purchased under this section if it is included in the calculation of any retirement allowance received or to be received by the member from this or another retirement system, or if there is a balance in a defined contribution account that serves as a primary retirement account related to such service.
For purposes of this subsection, "active duty military service" means full-time service of at least 180 consecutive days in the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, or reserve components thereof.
B. Any member in service may purchase all prior service credit for creditable service lost from ceasing to be a member under this chapter, as provided in § 51.1-128, because of the withdrawal of his accumulated contributions. For each year or portion thereof to be credited at the time of purchase under this subsection, the member shall pay the withdrawn amount to be purchased plus interest accrued daily and compounded annually from the date of withdrawal to the date of payment at the assumed rate of return established by the Board for the actuarial valuation of the retirement system that is in effect at the time of the purchase. The Board shall develop guidelines and procedures for administering this subsection.
C. Any member in service may purchase service credit for accumulated sick leave on his effective date of retirement based upon such sums as the employer may provide as payment for any unused sick leave balances. The cost of service credit purchased under this subsection shall be the actuarial equivalent cost of such service.
D. Any member receiving benefits under the Virginia Workers' Compensation Act (§ 65.2-100 et seq.) may, in a manner prescribed by the Board and prior to the effective date of retirement, purchase service that is not reported to the retirement system by the member's employer while the member is receiving such benefits.
For each year or portion thereof to be credited at the time of purchase under this subsection, the member shall pay the approximate normal cost of the retirement plan under which the member is covered, as determined by the Board in its sole discretion. If the member does not purchase, or enter into a purchase of service credit contract for, any service made available in this subsection within the first 24 months of the member's active service following his first date of hire or the final day of any applicable leave of absence, then, for each year or portion thereof to be credited at the time of purchase, the member shall pay the actuarial equivalent cost. To the extent the member becomes inactive during the 24 months following his first date of hire or the final day of any applicable leave of absence, such periods shall not be included in the 24 months of active service.
E. Payment may be made in a lump sum at the time of purchase or by payroll deduction. Any number of additional deductions may be permitted at any time. Should any deduction be terminated before the member purchases the entire period contracted for, the member shall be credited with the number of full or partial months of service for which full payment has been made. If any deduction is continued after the entire period has been purchased, the member shall be credited with no more than the amount of service for which he was eligible and for which he paid, and the excess amount deducted shall be refunded to the member.
F. Any employer may elect to pay an equivalent amount in lieu of all member contributions required of its employees for the purchase of service credit pursuant to this section. These contributions shall not be considered wages for purposes of Chapter 7 (§ 51.1-700 et seq.), nor shall they be considered salary for purposes of this chapter.
G. In any case where member and employer contributions, as required under this chapter, were not made because of an error in the payroll, personnel, or other classification system of an employer participating in the retirement system, service that has not been credited because of such error may be purchased on the following basis:
1. The most recent three years of service credit shall be purchased, using applicable member and employer contribution rates and creditable compensation in effect for such period, in a manner and at the cost prescribed by the Board; and
2. All other years of service credit shall be purchased by the employer at an actuarial equivalent cost.
H. Any member may receive credit at no cost for service rendered in the armed forces of the United States provided (i) the member was on leave of absence from a covered position, (ii) the discharge from a period of active duty with the armed forces was not dishonorable, (iii) the member has not withdrawn his accumulated contributions, (iv) the member is not disabled or killed while on leave without pay while performing active duty military service in the armed forces of the United States, and (v) the member reenters service in a covered position within one year after discharge from the armed forces. In order to receive such service, the member must complete such forms and other requirements as are required by the Board and the retirement system.
2001, cc. 686, 697; 2003, c. 7; 2005, c. 292; 2006, c. 635; 2007, c. 89; 2008, c. 27; 2009, c. 362; 2010, cc. 737, 738; 2011, cc. 722, 880; 2012, cc. 696, 701, 823; 2014, c. 356; 2015, cc. 508, 536; 2016, cc. 263, 280; 2018, cc. 53, 305.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 51.1 - Pensions, Benefits, and Retirement

Chapter 1 - Virginia Retirement System

§ 51.1-100. Repealed

§ 51.1-124.1. Virginia Retirement System established

§ 51.1-124.2. Virginia Supplemental Retirement System continued as Virginia Retirement System

§ 51.1-124.3. Definitions

§ 51.1-124.4. Exemption of assets from taxation; exemption of benefits and assets from execution and assignment; trust funds; unclaimed property; eligible rollover distribution

§ 51.1-124.5. Disclosure of social security account numbers

§ 51.1-124.6. Benefits to be paid monthly

§ 51.1-124.7. Distribution of assets upon repeal of system

§ 51.1-124.8. Persons affected by changes in retirement benefits

§ 51.1-124.9. Changes or errors in records resulting in erroneous payments; employer liability

§ 51.1-124.10. Falsification of records; penalty

§ 51.1-124.11. Recovery of payments procured by fraud, false statement, etc.

§ 51.1-124.12. Procedure when employer required to withdraw funds

§ 51.1-124.13. Loss of benefits; certain felony convictions

§ 51.1-124.14. Reserved

§ 51.1-124.20. Board of Trustees; membership; terms; quorum; compensation and expenses

§ 51.1-124.21. Application of State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act

§ 51.1-124.22. Board to administer Retirement System; powers and duties

§ 51.1-124.23. Medical boards

§ 51.1-124.24. Chief investment officer; qualifications; duties

§ 51.1-124.25. Existing advisory committees of the Virginia Retirement System abolished

§ 51.1-124.26. Advisory Committees to the Board of Trustees; membership; terms; qualifications; duties

§ 51.1-124.27. Employees of the Retirement System

§ 51.1-124.28. Legal representation in criminal matters

§ 51.1-124.29. Reserved

§ 51.1-124.30. Board as trustee of funds; investments; standard of care; liability for losses

§ 51.1-124.30:1. Adoption of stress testing and reporting policies

§ 51.1-124.31. Pooling of assets for investment

§ 51.1-124.32. Exemption from Public Procurement Act

§ 51.1-124.33. Deposit of trust funds not an investment; authorized deposits

§ 51.1-124.34. Retention of investments that become ineligible

§ 51.1-124.35. Investment provisions exclusive

§ 51.1-124.36. Investment of assets of the Commonwealth Health Research Fund

§ 51.1-124.37. Investment of assets of the Commonwealth's Attorneys Training Fund

§ 51.1-124.38. Repealed

§ 51.1-124.39. Investment of assets of the Line of Duty Death and Health Benefits Trust Fund

§ 51.1-124.40. Investment of assets of the Opioid Abatement Fund

§ 51.1-125. Persons composing membership; persons holding more than one position

§ 51.1-126. Employees of institutions of higher education

§ 51.1-126.1. Certain employees of teaching hospitals

§ 51.1-126.2. Repealed

§ 51.1-126.3. Employees of the University of Virginia Medical Center

§ 51.1-126.4. Employees of the Virginia Port Authority

§ 51.1-126.5. Defined contribution plan for eligible members

§ 51.1-126.6. Certain employees of public school divisions

§ 51.1-126.7. Employees of the Virginia Outdoors Foundation

§ 51.1-126.8. Maximum contributions to optional plans; coordination of limits

§ 51.1-127. Federal Employees' Retirement System

§ 51.1-128. Cessation of membership

§ 51.1-129. Limitation on membership

§ 51.1-130. Resolution of governing body; approval by Board

§ 51.1-131. Local pension systems; transfer to retirement system

§ 51.1-132. Eligible employees

§ 51.1-133. Limitation on membership

§ 51.1-134. Optional membership; creditable service

§ 51.1-135. Compulsory membership

§ 51.1-136. Submitting information and performing duties prescribed by Board

§ 51.1-137. Computation of employer contribution rates; reimbursement by Commonwealth

§ 51.1-137.1. Certain local data to be provided

§ 51.1-138. Benefits

§ 51.1-139. Procedure when employer in default

§ 51.1-140. Repealed

§ 51.1-141. Service equivalents

§ 51.1-142. Repealed

§ 51.1-142.2. Prior service or membership credit for certain members; service credit for accumulated sick leave

§ 51.1-142.3. Purchase of additional prior service credit by certain school division superintendents

§ 51.1-143. Repealed

§ 51.1-143.1. Portability of service credit between the Virginia Retirement System and certain political subdivisions of the Commonwealth

§ 51.1-144. Member contributions

§ 51.1-145. (Effective until July 1, 2024) Employer contributions

§ 51.1-145. (Effective July 1, 2024) Employer contributions

§ 51.1-146. Failure to report or pay contributions or insurance premiums

§ 51.1-147. Members' contribution account

§ 51.1-148. Retirement allowance account

§ 51.1-149. Appointment of custodian; payments

§ 51.1-150. Deposits

§ 51.1-151. Repealed

§ 51.1-152. Limitations on average final compensation

§ 51.1-153. Service retirement

§ 51.1-154. Compulsory service retirement

§ 51.1-155. Service retirement allowance

§ 51.1-155.1. Exceptions from general early retirement provisions for certain state employees and constitutional officers

§ 51.1-155.2. Exceptions from general early retirement provisions for certain local government officials

§ 51.1-156. Disability retirement

§ 51.1-157. Disability retirement allowance

§ 51.1-158. Reduction of benefits for acceptance of lump-sum settlement under Workers' Compensation Act

§ 51.1-159. Medical examinations of persons retired for disability

§ 51.1-160. Cessation of disability retirement allowance

§ 51.1-161. Withdrawal of contributions before retirement

§ 51.1-162. Death before retirement

§ 51.1-163. Death after retirement

§ 51.1-164. Repealed

§ 51.1-165. Optional benefits

§ 51.1-165.01. Partial lump-sum option for payment of retirement allowance

§ 51.1-165.1. Acknowledgment by spouse of member

§ 51.1-166. Post-retirement supplements generally

§ 51.1-167. Retirement allowance to be reduced in certain cases

§ 51.1-168. Limits on creditable compensation; maximum benefits; mandatory payment of allowance

§ 51.1-169. Hybrid retirement program