Code of Virginia
Chapter 8 - Regulation of Traffic
§ 46.2-936. Arrest for misdemeanor; release on summons; right to demand hearing immediately or within 24 hours; issuance of warrant on request of officer for violations of §§ 46.2-301 and 46.2-302; violations

Whenever any person is detained by or in the custody of an arresting officer, including an arrest on a warrant, for a violation of any provision of this title punishable as a misdemeanor, the arresting officer shall, except as otherwise provided in § 46.2-940, take the name and address of such person and the license number of his motor vehicle and issue a summons or otherwise notify him in writing to appear at a time and place to be specified in such summons or notice. Such time shall be at least five days after such arrest unless the person arrested demands an earlier hearing. Such person shall, if he so desires, have a right to an immediate hearing, or a hearing within 24 hours at a convenient hour, before a court having jurisdiction under this title within the county, city, or town wherein such offense was committed. Upon the giving by such person of his written promise to appear at such time and place, the officer shall forthwith release him from custody.
Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, if prior general approval has been granted by order of the general district court for the use of this section in cases involving violations of §§ 46.2-301 and 46.2-302, the arresting officer may take the person before the appropriate judicial officer of the county or city in which the violation occurred and make oath as to the offense and request issuance of a warrant. If a warrant is issued, the judicial officer shall proceed in accordance with the provisions of Article 1 (§ 19.2-119 et seq.) of Chapter 9 of Title 19.2.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, in cases involving a violation of § 46.2-341.24 or § 46.2-341.31, the arresting officer shall take the person before a magistrate as provided in §§ 46.2-341.26:2 and 46.2-341.26:3. The magistrate may issue either a summons or a warrant as he shall deem proper.
If any person refuses to give such written promise to appear under the provisions of this section, the arresting officer shall give such person notice of the time and place of the hearing, note such person's refusal to give his written promise to appear on the summons, and forthwith release him from custody.
Any person who willfully violates his written promise to appear or fails to appear at the time and place specified in such summons or notice issued in accordance with this section shall be treated in accordance with the provisions of § 46.2-938.
Any officer violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of misconduct in office and subject to removal therefrom upon complaint filed by any person in a court of competent jurisdiction. This section shall not be construed to limit the removal of a law-enforcement officer for other misconduct in office.
Code 1950, § 46-193; 1950, p. 94; 1954, c. 174; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-178; 1972, c. 477; 1975, c. 191; 1981, c. 382; 1983, c. 458; 1989, c. 727; 1990, c. 218; 1992, c. 830; 1999, cc. 829, 846; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 338.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 46.2 - Motor Vehicles

Chapter 8 - Regulation of Traffic

§ 46.2-800. Riding bicycles, electric personal assistive mobility devices, electric power-assisted bicycles, mopeds, or motorized skateboards or scooters; riding or driving animals

§ 46.2-800.1. Riding animals on highways after sunset

§ 46.2-800.2. Operation of off-road recreational vehicles in localities embraced by the Southwest Regional Recreation Authority

§ 46.2-800.3. Driving in flooded areas prohibited

§ 46.2-801. Chapter applicable to drivers of all vehicles regardless of ownership

§ 46.2-802. Drive on right side of highways; penalty

§ 46.2-803. Keep to the right in crossing intersections or railroads

§ 46.2-803.1. Commercial motor vehicles limited to use of certain lanes of certain interstate highways

§ 46.2-804. Special regulations applicable on highways laned for traffic; penalty

§ 46.2-805. Lane-use control signals

§ 46.2-806. One-way roadways and highways

§ 46.2-807. Path of travel at circular intersections

§ 46.2-808. Commonwealth Transportation Board may prohibit certain uses of controlled access highways; penalty

§ 46.2-808.1. Use of crossovers on controlled access highways; penalty

§ 46.2-808.2. Violations committed within highway safety corridor; report on benefits

§ 46.2-809. Regulation of truck traffic on primary and secondary highways

§ 46.2-809.1. Regulation of residential cut-through traffic by Board

§ 46.2-810. Age limits for drivers of public passenger-carrying vehicles

§ 46.2-810.1. Smoking in vehicle with a minor present; civil penalty

§ 46.2-811. Coasting prohibited

§ 46.2-812. Driving more than thirteen hours in twenty-four prohibited

§ 46.2-813. Occupation of trailer being towed on highways

§ 46.2-814. Driving through safety zone prohibited

§ 46.2-815. Hauling certain cargoes through tunnels in violation of posted signs; penalty

§ 46.2-816. Following too closely

§ 46.2-816.1. Careless driving and infliction of injury or death on vulnerable road users; penalty

§ 46.2-817. Disregarding signal by law-enforcement officer to stop; eluding police; penalties

§ 46.2-818. Stopping vehicle of another; blocking access to premises; damaging or threatening commercial vehicle or operator thereof; penalties

§ 46.2-818.1. Opening and closing motor vehicle doors; penalty

§ 46.2-818.2. Use of handheld personal communications devices in certain motor vehicles; exceptions; penalty

§ 46.2-819. Use of toll facility without payment of toll; circumstances to be considered in assessing penalty

§ 46.2-819.1. Installation and use of photo-monitoring system or automatic vehicle identification system in conjunction with electronic or manual toll facilities; penalty

§ 46.2-819.2. Driving a motor vehicle from establishment where motor fuel offered for sale; penalty

§ 46.2-819.3. Use of toll facility without payment of toll; enforcement; penalty

§ 46.2-819.3:1. Installation and use of video-monitoring system and automatic vehicle identification system in conjunction with all-electronic toll facilities; penalty

§ 46.2-819.4. Smoking in proximity to gas pumps; penalty

§ 46.2-819.5. Enforcement through use of photo-monitoring system or automatic vehicle identification system in conjunction with usage of Dulles Access Highway

§ 46.2-819.6. Invoice for unpaid toll

§ 46.2-819.7. Repealed

§ 46.2-819.8. Toll grace period

§ 46.2-819.9. Agreements for enforcement of tolling violations against nonresidents

§ 46.2-819.10. Withholding of vehicle registration for enforcement of out-of-state toll violations

§ 46.2-820. Right-of-way at uncontrolled intersections, generally

§ 46.2-821. Vehicles before entering certain highways shall stop or yield right-of-way

§ 46.2-822. Right-of-way at circular intersections

§ 46.2-823. Unlawful speed forfeits right-of-way

§ 46.2-824. Right-of-way at uncontrolled "T" intersections

§ 46.2-825. Left turn traffic to yield right-of-way

§ 46.2-826. Stop before entering public highway or sidewalk from private road, etc.; yielding right-of-way

§ 46.2-827. Right-of-way of United States forces, troops, National Guard, etc.

§ 46.2-828. Right-of-way for funeral processions under police or sheriff's escort; improper joining of, passing through, or interfering with processions prohibited; use of high beam headlights and hazard lights by vehicles traveling in funeral proces...

§ 46.2-828.1. Impeding or disrupting certain funeral processions; penalty

§ 46.2-828.2. Impeding or disrupting vehicles operating under a valid highway hauling permit

§ 46.2-829. Approach of law-enforcement or fire-fighting vehicles, rescue vehicles, or ambulances; violation as failure to yield right-of-way

§ 46.2-830. Uniform traffic control devices on highways; drivers to obey traffic control devices; enforcement of section

§ 46.2-830.1. Failure to obey highway sign where driver sleeping or resting

§ 46.2-830.2. Pedestrians with disabilities; traffic signs

§ 46.2-831. Unofficial traffic control devices prohibited; penalties

§ 46.2-832. Damaging or removing traffic control devices or street address signs

§ 46.2-833. Traffic lights; penalty

§ 46.2-833.01. Expired

§ 46.2-833.1. Evasion of traffic control devices

§ 46.2-834. Signals by law-enforcement officers, crossing guards, and flaggers

§ 46.2-835. Right turn on steady red light after stopping

§ 46.2-836. Left turn on steady red after stopping

§ 46.2-837. Passing vehicles proceeding in opposite directions

§ 46.2-838. Passing when overtaking a vehicle

§ 46.2-839. Passing bicycle, electric personal assistive mobility device, electric power-assisted bicycle, moped, animal, or animal-drawn vehicle

§ 46.2-840. Repealed

§ 46.2-841. When overtaking vehicle may pass on right

§ 46.2-842. Driver to give way to overtaking vehicle

§ 46.2-842.1. Drivers to give way to certain overtaking vehicles on divided highways

§ 46.2-843. Limitations on overtaking and passing

§ 46.2-844. Passing stopped school buses; penalty; prima facie evidence; penalty

§ 46.2-845. Limitation on U-turns

§ 46.2-846. Required position and method of turning at intersections; local regulations

§ 46.2-847. Left turns by bicycles, electric personal assistive mobility devices, electric power-assisted bicycles, and mopeds

§ 46.2-848. Signals required on backing, stopping, or turning

§ 46.2-849. How signals given

§ 46.2-850. Change of course after giving signal

§ 46.2-851. Signals prior to moving standing vehicles into traffic

§ 46.2-852. Reckless driving; general rule

§ 46.2-853. Driving vehicle which is not under control; faulty brakes

§ 46.2-854. Passing on or at the crest of a grade or on a curve

§ 46.2-855. Driving with driver's view obstructed or control impaired

§ 46.2-856. Passing two vehicles abreast

§ 46.2-857. Driving two abreast in a single lane

§ 46.2-858. Passing at a railroad grade crossing

§ 46.2-859. Passing a stopped school bus; prima facie evidence

§ 46.2-860. Failing to give proper signals

§ 46.2-861. Driving too fast for highway and traffic conditions

§ 46.2-861.1. Drivers to yield right-of-way or reduce speed when approaching stationary vehicles displaying certain warning lights on highways; penalties

§ 46.2-862. Exceeding speed limit

§ 46.2-863. Failure to yield right-of-way

§ 46.2-864. Reckless driving on parking lots, etc.

§ 46.2-865. Racing; penalty

§ 46.2-865.1. Injuring another or causing the death of another while engaging in a race; penalties

§ 46.2-866. Racing; aiders or abettors

§ 46.2-867. Racing; seizure of motor vehicle

§ 46.2-868. Reckless driving; penalties

§ 46.2-868.1. Aggressive driving; penalties

§ 46.2-869. Improper driving; penalty

§ 46.2-870. Maximum speed limits generally

§ 46.2-871. Maximum speed limit for school buses

§ 46.2-872. Maximum speed limits for vehicles operating under special permits

§ 46.2-873. Maximum speed limits at school crossings; penalty

§ 46.2-873.1. Maximum speed limit on nonsurface-treated highways

§ 46.2-873.2. Maximum speed limit on rural rustic roads

§ 46.2-874. Maximum speed limit in business and residence districts

§ 46.2-874.1. Exceptions to maximum speed limits in residence districts; penalty

§ 46.2-875. Maximum speed limit on certain other highways in cities and towns

§ 46.2-876. Maximum speed limit for passenger vehicles towing certain trailers

§ 46.2-877. Minimum speed limits

§ 46.2-878. Authority to change speed limits

§ 46.2-878.1. Maximum speed limits in highway work zones; penalty

§ 46.2-878.2. Maximum speed limits in certain residence districts of counties, cities, and towns; penalty

§ 46.2-878.2:1. Maximum speed limits on certain roads

§ 46.2-878.3. Prepayment of fines for violations of speed limits

§ 46.2-879. No conviction for speeding in certain areas unless markers installed

§ 46.2-880. Tables of speed and stopping distances

§ 46.2-881. Special speed limitation on bridges, tunnels and interstates

§ 46.2-882. Determining speed with various devices; certificate as to accuracy of device; arrest without warrant

§ 46.2-882.1. Use of photo speed monitoring devices in highway work zones and school crossing zones; civil penalty

§ 46.2-883. Signs indicating legal rate of speed and measurement of speed by radar

§ 46.2-884. Railroad warning signals must be obeyed

§ 46.2-885. When vehicles to stop at railroad grade crossings

§ 46.2-886. When drivers of certain vehicles to stop, look, and listen at railroad crossings; crossing tracks without shifting gears

§ 46.2-887. Moving crawler-type tractors, steam shovels, derricks, rollers, etc., over railroad grade crossings

§ 46.2-888. Stopping on highways; removing motor vehicle from roadway

§ 46.2-889. Location of parked vehicles

§ 46.2-890. Stopping in vicinity of fire or emergency

§ 46.2-891. Exemption for highway construction and maintenance vehicles

§ 46.2-892. Rural mail carriers stopping on highways

§ 46.2-893. Stopping on highways to discharge cargo or passengers; school buses

§ 46.2-894. Duty of driver to stop, etc., in event of accident involving injury or death or damage to attended property; penalty

§ 46.2-895. Duty of certain persons accompanying driver to report accidents involving injury, death, or damage to attended property

§ 46.2-896. Duties of driver in event of accident involving damage only to unattended property

§ 46.2-897. Duty of certain persons accompanying driver to report accidents involving damage only to unattended property

§ 46.2-898. Reports are in addition to others

§ 46.2-899. Article applies to accidents on private or public property

§ 46.2-900. Penalty for violation of §§ 46.2-895 through 46.2-897

§ 46.2-901. Suspension of driver's license for failure to report certain accidents

§ 46.2-902. Leaving scene of accident when directed to do so by officer

§ 46.2-902.1. Officer may require certain motorists to furnish proof of insurance or payment of fee for registration of an uninsured motor vehicle; penalty

§ 46.2-903. Riding or driving vehicles on sidewalks; exceptions

§ 46.2-904. Use of roller skates and skateboards on sidewalks and shared-use paths; operation of bicycles and certain motorized and electric items and devices on sidewalks, crosswalks, and shared-use paths; local ordinances

§ 46.2-904.1. Electric power-assisted bicycles

§ 46.2-905. Riding bicycles, electric personal assistive mobility devices, electric power-assisted bicycles, motorized skateboards or scooters, and mopeds on roadways and bicycle paths

§ 46.2-906. Carrying articles or passengers on bicycles, electric personal assistive mobility devices, electric power-assisted bicycles, and mopeds

§ 46.2-906.1. Local ordinances may require riders of bicycles, electric personal assistive mobility devices, and electric power-assisted bicycles to wear helmets

§ 46.2-907. Overtaking and passing vehicles

§ 46.2-908. Registration of bicycle, electric personal assistive mobility device, electric personal delivery device, and electric power-assisted bicycle serial numbers

§ 46.2-908.1. Electric personal assistive mobility devices, electrically powered toy vehicles, electric power-assisted bicycles, and motorized skateboards or scooters

§ 46.2-908.1:1. Personal delivery devices

§ 46.2-908.2. Low-speed vehicles; required equipment

§ 46.2-908.3. Low-speed vehicles; operation on highways; license required; registration required; safety and emissions inspections not required

§ 46.2-909. Riding on motorcycles, generally

§ 46.2-910. Motorcycle and autocycle operators to wear helmets, etc.; certain sales prohibited; penalty

§ 46.2-911. Repealed

§ 46.2-911.1. Operation of motor-driven cycles on public highways prohibited

§ 46.2-912. Operating motorcycle without headlight, horn or rearview mirror

§ 46.2-913. Vendors of certain motorcycles to furnish statements of registration and licensing requirements

§ 46.2-914. Limitations on operation of mopeds

§ 46.2-915. Stickers required on mopeds

§ 46.2-915.1. All-terrain vehicles and off-road motorcycles; penalty

§ 46.2-915.2. Safety equipment for mopeds; effect of violation; penalty

§ 46.2-916. Ordinances providing for the disposition of unregistered or unlicensed motorcycles

§ 46.2-916.1. Golf cart and utility vehicle operations on public highways not otherwise designated for such operation

§ 46.2-916.2. Designation of public highways for golf cart and utility vehicle operations

§ 46.2-916.3. Limitations on golf cart and utility vehicle operations on designated public highways

§ 46.2-917. Operation of yellow motor vehicles of certain seating capacity on state highways prohibited; exceptions; penalty

§ 46.2-917.1. School buses hired to transport children

§ 46.2-917.2. School buses operating under State Corporation Commission or Department certificate

§ 46.2-918. School buses to be routed so as to avoid necessity of pupils' crossing divided highways

§ 46.2-919. Age limit for drivers of school buses

§ 46.2-919.1. Use of wireless telecommunications devices by persons driving school buses

§ 46.2-920. Certain vehicles exempt from regulations in certain situations; exceptions and additional requirements

§ 46.2-920.1. Operation of tow trucks or vehicles owned or controlled by the Department of Transportation under certain circumstances; incident management

§ 46.2-920.2. Operation of vehicles owned or controlled by the Wildlife Center of Virginia

§ 46.2-921. Following or parking near fire apparatus or emergency medical services vehicle

§ 46.2-921.1. Repealed

§ 46.2-922. Driving over fire hose

§ 46.2-923. How and where pedestrians to cross highways

§ 46.2-924. Drivers to stop for pedestrians; installation of certain signs; penalty

§ 46.2-925. Pedestrian control signals

§ 46.2-926. Pedestrians stepping into highway where they cannot be seen

§ 46.2-927. Boarding or alighting from buses

§ 46.2-928. Pedestrians not to use roadway except when necessary; keeping to left

§ 46.2-929. Pedestrians soliciting rides

§ 46.2-930. Loitering on bridges or highway rights-of-way

§ 46.2-931. Localities may prohibit or regulate distribution of handbills, etc., solicitation of contributions, and sale of merchandise or services on highways within their boundaries or on public roadways and medians

§ 46.2-932. Playing on highways; use of toy vehicle on highways, persons riding bicycles, electric personal assistive mobility devices, electric power-assisted bicycles, mopeds, etc., not to attach to vehicles; exception

§ 46.2-932.1. Duty of driver approaching blind pedestrian; effect of failure of blind person to carry white cane or use dog guide

§ 46.2-933. When vehicles to stop for pedestrian guided by dog or carrying white, red-tipped white, or metallic cane

§ 46.2-934. Failure to use cane or guide dog not contributory negligence

§ 46.2-935. Regulation by ordinance in counties, cities, and towns

§ 46.2-936. Arrest for misdemeanor; release on summons; right to demand hearing immediately or within 24 hours; issuance of warrant on request of officer for violations of §§ 46.2-301 and 46.2-302; violations

§ 46.2-937. Traffic infractions treated as misdemeanors for arrest purposes

§ 46.2-938. Issuance of warrant upon failure to comply with summons; penalties; suspension of licenses for failure to appear

§ 46.2-939. Authority of law-enforcement officers to issue subpoenas

§ 46.2-940. When arresting officer shall take person before issuing authority

§ 46.2-941. Conditions precedent to issuance of summons for violation of parking ordinance; notice

§ 46.2-942. Admissibility of results of speedometer test in prosecution for exceeding speed limit

§ 46.2-943. Court or jury may consider defendant's prior traffic record before sentencing

§ 46.2-944. Repealed

§ 46.2-944.1. Repealed