Code of Virginia
Chapter 9 - Requirements Applicable to Surface Coal Mines
§ 45.2-917. Safety measures on equipment

A. Every rubber-tired or crawler-mounted piece of equipment shall have a rollover protective structure to the extent required by 30 C.F.R. § 77.403-1.
B. Each seat belt provided in mobile equipment shall be maintained in safe working condition. Every operator of such equipment shall wear a seat belt when the equipment is in motion.
C. Mobile equipment shall be equipped with adequate brakes and parking brakes.
D. Cab windows shall be of safe design, kept in good condition, and clean for adequate visibility.
E. Any tire shall be deflated before any repair on it is started, and adequate means shall be provided to prevent wheel-locking rims from creating a hazard during tire inflation.
F. An audible warning device and headlights shall be provided on each piece of self-propelled mobile equipment.
G. An automatic backup alarm that is audible above surrounding noise levels shall be provided on each piece of mobile equipment. An automatic reverse-activated strobe light may be substituted for an audible alarm when mobile equipment is operated at night.
H. Each piece of equipment that is raised for repairs or other work shall be securely blocked before any person positions himself where the falling of such equipment could create a hazardous condition.
Code 1950, § 45-69.1; 1954, c. 191; 1966, c. 594, § 45.1-73; 1979, c. 315; 1983, c. 70; 1985, c. 302; 1994, c. 28, § 45.1-161.270; 1996, c. 774; 1999, c. 256; 2005, c. 3; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 387.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 45.2 - Mines, Minerals, and Energy

Chapter 9 - Requirements Applicable to Surface Coal Mines

§ 45.2-900. Scope of chapter

§ 45.2-901. Regulations governing conditions and practices at surface coal mines

§ 45.2-902. Standards for regulations

§ 45.2-903. Safety examinations

§ 45.2-904. Records of examinations

§ 45.2-905. Areas with safety or health hazards; duties of surface mine foreman

§ 45.2-906. Personal protection devices and practices

§ 45.2-907. Housekeeping

§ 45.2-908. Noxious fumes

§ 45.2-909. First aid equipment

§ 45.2-910. First aid training

§ 45.2-911. Attention to injured persons

§ 45.2-912. Firefighting equipment; duties in case of fire; fire precaution in transportation of mining equipment; fire prevention generally

§ 45.2-913. Duties in case of fire

§ 45.2-914. Fire precautions

§ 45.2-915. Haulage and mobile equipment; operating condition

§ 45.2-916. Equipment operation

§ 45.2-917. Safety measures on equipment

§ 45.2-918. Transportation of personnel

§ 45.2-919. Lighting

§ 45.2-920. Shop and other equipment

§ 45.2-921. Hydraulic hoses

§ 45.2-922. Stairways, platforms, runways, and floor openings

§ 45.2-923. Loading and haulage work area requirements

§ 45.2-924. Equipment operation

§ 45.2-925. Control of dust and combustible material

§ 45.2-926. Overhead high-potential power lines; surface transmission lines; electric wiring in surface buildings

§ 45.2-927. Transformers

§ 45.2-928. Grounding

§ 45.2-929. Circuit breakers and switches

§ 45.2-930. Electrical trailing cables

§ 45.2-931. Surface storage of explosives and detonators

§ 45.2-932. Misfires

§ 45.2-933. Minimum blasting practices

§ 45.2-934. Ground control

§ 45.2-935. Inspection of electric equipment and wiring; checking and testing methane monitors

§ 45.2-936. Highwall inspections

§ 45.2-937. Penetration of underground mines; testing

§ 45.2-938. Safety precautions

§ 45.2-939. Surface coal mining; distance from wells; requirements