Code of Virginia
Chapter 6 - Coal Mining Property, Interests, Adjacent Owners, and Dams
§ 45.2-620. Emergency notification and evacuation plan

A. On or before July 1 of each year, the operator of any retaining dam or mine refuse impoundment that meets the criteria of subsection A of § 45.2-618 shall submit to the Chief an emergency notification and evacuation plan. If there are no changes to a plan at the time the updated plan is due, the operator may submit a notice that there are no changes to the plan in lieu of submitting an updated plan to the Chief.
B. The plan and attendant maps, appropriate for the level of hazard of the retaining dam or mine refuse impoundment, shall describe the retaining dam or mine refuse impoundment and shall include:
1. The name and address of the operator owning, operating, or controlling the structure;
2. The identification numbers of the structure as assigned by the Chief, MSHA, and the Office of Surface Mining;
3. The location of the structure indicated on (i) a current United States Geological Survey 7.5-minute or 15-minute topographic quadrangle map, (ii) an equivalent digital map, or (iii) a topographic map of a scale approved by the Chief;
4. The name and size in acres of the watershed in which the structure is located;
5. A description of the physical and engineering properties of the foundation materials on which the structure is to be or was constructed;
6. The location of existing or proposed instrumentation;
7. A statement of the runoff attributable to the probable maximum precipitation of six-hour duration and the calculations used in determining such runoff;
8. A statement of the runoff attributable to the storm for which the structure is designed and the calculations used in determining such runoff;
9. The location of any surface or underground coal mine, including the depth and extent of such workings, under and within 1,000 feet around the perimeter of the retaining dam or mine refuse impoundment, and the area of impounded material, shown at a scale not to exceed one inch equals 1,000 feet;
10. A map depicting the impoundment area and downstream and adjacent drainways, streambeds, roads, structures, and other public areas that could be affected if an accident were to occur at the impoundment. The map shall be at a scale not to exceed one inch equals 1,000 feet;
11. The names of persons who are familiar with the plan protocols and can take actions necessary to eliminate the hazard and minimize the impact to miners, the community, and the environment;
12. A location where a command and communication center could be established for the company team and emergency response personnel to report during an impoundment event;
13. The location of potential evacuation centers where affected parties could take shelter during an impoundment event;
14. An emergency contact list for agencies that would respond to an impoundment event; and
15. A list of miners employed at the site and businesses, community buildings, residences, and other occupied buildings within the impact zone that could be affected by an impoundment event, or other effective means of identifying such impact zone.
2005, c. 3, § 45.1-224.1; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 387.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 45.2 - Mines, Minerals, and Energy

Chapter 6 - Coal Mining Property, Interests, Adjacent Owners, and Dams

§ 45.2-600. Consent required before working mine near land of another

§ 45.2-601. Adjacent owner to be permitted to survey mine; proceedings to compel entry for survey

§ 45.2-602. Petition to establish a trust for missing coal owners

§ 45.2-603. Advertisement upon filing of petition

§ 45.2-604. Court may declare trust; trustee sale of lease

§ 45.2-605. Duty of trustee; sale of lease; distribution of funds

§ 45.2-606. Payment of attorney fees, expenses, and court costs

§ 45.2-607. Production of coal by majority interest owner; petition to establish trust for known coal owners

§ 45.2-608. "Public uses" defined; mining, etc., of coal essential business; subject to seizure by Commonwealth

§ 45.2-609. Interruption of public uses; proclamation of emergency; seizure

§ 45.2-610. Additional powers of Governor to operate seized properties

§ 45.2-611. Virginia Fuel Commission; purpose; membership; compensation; staff; powers and duties; report

§ 45.2-612. Negotiating purchase or lease of coal properties

§ 45.2-613. Proceedings for condemnation

§ 45.2-614. Expense of acquiring and operating coal property; funds derived from operation

§ 45.2-615. Restoration of property to owner or operator

§ 45.2-616. Article subject to provisions of general law

§ 45.2-617. Definitions

§ 45.2-618. Design and construction of retaining dam or mine refuse impoundment; designs and other data to be submitted to Chief

§ 45.2-619. Examination of retaining dam or mine refuse impoundment; potentially hazardous condition; plans to be submitted by operators

§ 45.2-620. Emergency notification and evacuation plan