Unless the certificate of incorporation provides otherwise, the directors shall elect from their number a president and may elect a chairman, and shall also elect a secretary and a treasurer and any additional officers as they determine necessary, who may or may not be members of the insurer. The offices of secretary and treasurer may be held by one person. Unless otherwise provided in the certificate of incorporation, the term of these officers shall be not less than one year nor more than three years or until their successors are elected or qualified.
1985, c. 400, § 38.1-549.9; 1986, c. 562.
Structure Code of Virginia
Chapter 39 - Mutual Assessment Life, Accident and Sickness Insurers
§ 38.2-3903. What laws applicable
§ 38.2-3904. Conversion of mutual assessment life, accident and sickness insurers
§ 38.2-3905. Incorporation of companies
§ 38.2-3906. Licensing of additional companies prohibited
§ 38.2-3907. Directors; terms; annual meetings; voting; executive committee
§ 38.2-3909. Inspection of books and papers
§ 38.2-3910. Policy forms to be filed
§ 38.2-3911. Time limit on certain defenses
§ 38.2-3912. Incontestability of policies
§ 38.2-3913. Required grace periods
§ 38.2-3914. Policy to specify amount of payment and when to be paid
§ 38.2-3915. Assessment contract
§ 38.2-3916. Classification of risks; rates
§ 38.2-3917. Right to limit assessment liability; when contingent assessment liability waived
§ 38.2-3918. Notice of assessment; how given
§ 38.2-3919. Agents' licenses required
§ 38.2-3920. Surplus to policyowners