Code of Virginia
Chapter 35.1 - Health Carrier Internal Appeal Process and External Review
§ 38.2-3560. Exhaustion of internal appeal process

A. A request for an external review shall not be made until the covered person has exhausted the health carrier's internal appeal process, provided that a covered person's exhaustion of the health carrier's internal appeal process shall not be required if the adverse determination relates to the treatment of a cancer of the covered person.
B. A covered person shall be considered to have exhausted the health carrier's internal appeal process if the covered person or his authorized representative has filed an appeal requesting a review of an adverse determination, and, except to the extent the covered person or his authorized representative requested or agreed to a delay, has not received a written decision from the health carrier within 30 days following the date the appeal was filed with the health carrier.
C. If a covered person or his authorized representative files a request for an expedited internal appeal of an adverse determination with the health carrier, the covered person or his authorized representative is deemed to have exhausted the internal appeal process and may file a request for an expedited external review of the adverse determination at the same time. Upon receipt of a request for an expedited external review of an adverse determination, the independent review organization conducting the external review shall determine whether the covered person shall be required to complete the health carrier's expedited internal appeal process before it conducts the expedited external review. The independent review organization shall promptly notify the covered person and his authorized representative, if any, of this determination, and either proceed with the expedited external review or wait until completion of the internal expedited appeal process.
D. A request for an external review of an adverse determination may be made before the covered person has exhausted the health carrier's internal appeal process whenever the health carrier agrees to waive the exhaustion requirement. If the exhaustion requirement is waived, the covered person or his authorized representative may file a request in writing for a standard external review.
2011, c. 788; 2019, cc. 826, 840.