Code of Virginia
Chapter 7 - Local Authority over Highways
§ 33.2-701. Levies

For the purpose of this section, "district" means a magisterial, sanitary, or other special district created by the governing body of a county for the levy of road taxes.
The governing bodies of the counties shall not make any levy of county or district road taxes or contract any further indebtedness for the construction, maintenance, or improvement of highways; however, the governing bodies of the counties shall continue to make county or district levies, as the case may be, upon all real and personal property subject to local taxation, in such county or magisterial district, and not embraced within the corporate limits of any town that maintains its own streets and is exempt from county and district road taxes unless the citizens of such towns voted on the question of issuing county or district road bonds, sufficient only to provide for the payment of any bonded or other indebtedness and for the interest contracted thereon that may be outstanding as an obligation of any county or district contracted for road purposes or for the sinking fund for the retirement of any bonded indebtedness established for county or district road purposes.
Code 1950, § 33-138; 1964, c. 376; 1968, c. 368; 1970, c. 322, § 33.1-225; 2007, c. 813; 2014, c. 805.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 33.2 - Highways and Other Surface Transportation Systems

Chapter 7 - Local Authority over Highways

§ 33.2-700. Transfer of highways, etc., from secondary state highway system to local authorities

§ 33.2-701. Levies

§ 33.2-702. Gifts received by counties for construction, maintenance, etc., of secondary highways

§ 33.2-703. Funds for highways not in secondary state highway system

§ 33.2-704. Agreements between localities for construction and operation of toll facilities

§ 33.2-705. Continuance of powers of county authorities; alternative procedure

§ 33.2-706. How highways and bridges in counties established or altered; examination and report; width and grade of highways; employing engineer

§ 33.2-707. Duty of viewers

§ 33.2-708. Pay to viewers, commissioners, and engineers

§ 33.2-709. Consent of landowners

§ 33.2-710. Proceedings on report; notice to owners

§ 33.2-711. Guardian ad litem for persons under disability

§ 33.2-712. Defense allowed; what board may do

§ 33.2-713. Appointment of commissioners to assess damages

§ 33.2-714. Enhancement in value of residue

§ 33.2-715. Action of commissioners; report

§ 33.2-716. Appeal to circuit court

§ 33.2-717. Who shall pay costs, compensation, and damages

§ 33.2-718. Highways not to be established through cemetery or seminary of learning without owners' consent

§ 33.2-719. Abandonment of certain highways and railway crossings

§ 33.2-720. Supervisors may issue process

§ 33.2-721. Compensation of clerk of board

§ 33.2-722. Discontinuance of gates on public highways

§ 33.2-723. Assumption of district highway indebtedness by counties