A. The Secretary of Transportation shall ensure that the reports required under subsections B and C are provided in writing to the Governor, the General Assembly, and the Commonwealth Transportation Board by the dates specified.
B. The Commissioner of Highways shall provide to each recipient specified in subsection A, no later than November 1 of each even-numbered year, a report, the content of which shall be specified by the Board and shall contain, at a minimum:
1. The methodology used to determine maintenance needs, including an explanation of the transparent methodology used for the allocation of funds from the Highway Maintenance and Operating Fund pursuant to subsection A of § 33.2-352;
2. The methodology approved by the Board for the allocation of funds for state of good repair purposes as defined in § 33.2-369 and, if necessary, an explanation and rationale for any waiver of the cap provided for in subsection B of § 33.2-369;
3. The expenditures from the Highway Maintenance and Operating Program for the past fiscal year by asset class or activity and by construction district as well as the planned expenditure for the current fiscal year;
4. A description of transportation systems management and operations in the Commonwealth and the operating condition of primary and secondary state highways, including location and average duration of incidents;
5. A listing of prioritized pavement and bridge needs based on the priority ranking system developed by the Board pursuant to § 33.2-369 and a description of the priority ranking system;
6. A description of actions taken to improve highway operations within the Commonwealth, including the use of funds in the Innovation and Technology Transportation Fund established pursuant to § 33.2-1531;
7. The use of funds in the Special Structure Fund established pursuant to § 33.2-1532;
8. The status of the Interstate Operations and Enhancement Program, including, at a minimum, the allocation of revenues for the program, the current and projected performance of each interstate highway corridor, and the anticipated benefits of funded strategies, capital improvements, and services by the interstate highway; and
9. A review of the Department's collaboration with the private sector in delivering services.
C. The Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment of the Secretary of Transportation shall provide to each recipient specified in subsection A, no later than November 1 of each odd-numbered year, a report, the content of which shall be specified by the Board and shall contain, at a minimum:
1. A list of transportation projects approved or modified during the prior fiscal year, including whether each such project was evaluated pursuant to § 33.2-214.1 and the program from which each such project received funding;
2. The results of the most recent project evaluations pursuant to § 33.2-214.1, including a comparison of (i) projects selected for funding with projects not selected for funding, (ii) funding allocated by district and by mode of transportation, and (iii) the size of projects selected for funding;
3. The current performance of the Commonwealth's surface transportation system, the targets for future performance, and the progress toward such targets based on the measures developed pursuant to § 2.2-229;
4. The status of the Virginia Transportation Infrastructure Bank, including the balance in the Bank, funding commitments made over the prior fiscal year, and performance of the current loan portfolio;
5. The status of the Toll Facilities Revolving Account, including the balance in the account, project commitments from the account, repayment schedules, and the performance of the current loan portfolio; and
6. Progress made toward achieving the performance targets established by the Commonwealth Transportation Board.
D. The purpose of the reports required pursuant to this section is to ensure transparency and accountability in the use of transportation funds. Reports required by this section shall be made available to the public on the website of the Commonwealth Transportation Board.
2011, cc. 36, 152, § 33.1-13.03; 2014, cc. 290, 805; 2015, c. 684; 2016, c. 711; 2017, c. 537; 2018, c. 828; 2020, cc. 1230, 1275.
Structure Code of Virginia
Title 33.2 - Highways and Other Surface Transportation Systems
Chapter 2 - Transportation Entities
§ 33.2-200. Commonwealth Transportation Board; membership; terms; vacancies
§ 33.2-201. Appointment requirements; statewide interest
§ 33.2-203. Salaries and expenses
§ 33.2-205. Oaths and bonds of members
§ 33.2-207. Bookkeeping system
§ 33.2-208. Location of routes
§ 33.2-210. Traffic regulations; penalty
§ 33.2-211. Copies of regulations as evidence
§ 33.2-212. Sections not applicable to certain engines and tractors
§ 33.2-213. Naming highways, bridges, interchanges, and other transportation facilities
§ 33.2-214. Transportation; Six-Year Improvement Program
§ 33.2-214.1. Statewide prioritization process for project selection
§ 33.2-214.3. Transparency in project selection in Planning District 8
§ 33.2-214.4. Statewide prioritization for the Commonwealth Mass Transit Fund
§ 33.2-215. Policies and operation of Departments
§ 33.2-216. Roadside memorials; penalty
§ 33.2-217. Prohibition of certain weeds and plants on highway rights-of-way
§ 33.2-218. Fees for participating in the Integrated Directional Sign Program
§ 33.2-219. Statements to be filed with Commonwealth Transportation Board by transit systems
§ 33.2-221. Other powers, duties, and responsibilities
§ 33.2-222. Commissioner of Highways
§ 33.2-223. General powers of Commissioner of Highways
§ 33.2-224. Employees; delegation of responsibilities
§ 33.2-225. Liaison duties with other organizations
§ 33.2-226. Authority to lease or convey airspace
§ 33.2-227. Defense of employees
§ 33.2-228. Agreements between Commissioner of Highways and certain localities
§ 33.2-229. Furnishing information regarding right-of-way transactions
§ 33.2-230. Written notice of decision to dispose of real property
§ 33.2-231. Establish community service landscaping program
§ 33.2-232. Biennial reports by Commissioner of Highways and the Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment
§ 33.2-233. Gathering and reporting of information and statistics
§ 33.2-234. Construction by state or local employees
§ 33.2-237. Directional signs for certain educational institutions
§ 33.2-239. Providing highway detours
§ 33.2-240. Connections over shoulders of highways for intersecting private roads
§ 33.2-242. Replacing entrances destroyed in the repair or construction of highways
§ 33.2-243. Paying for damages sustained to personal property by reason of work projects, etc.
§ 33.2-244. Removal of snow and ice from public highways by private entities
§ 33.2-245. Comprehensive highway access management standards
§ 33.2-246. Recreational waysides; regulations; penalties
§ 33.2-247. Wetlands mitigation banking
§ 33.2-248. Expenditure of funds for interstate bridges and approaches
§ 33.2-249. Maintenance and operation of bridges or tunnels on the city and state line
§ 33.2-250. Improving certain private roads and certain town streets and roads
§ 33.2-251. Installation and maintenance of "children at play" signs in counties and towns
§ 33.2-252. Tramways and railways along or across public highways; appeals
§ 33.2-253. Highway safety corridor program
§ 33.2-254. Erection and maintenance of newspaper route boxes
§ 33.2-255. Sale or lease of properties acquired for highway construction
§ 33.2-256. Department of Transportation established
§ 33.2-257.1. Notice to be provided to property owners of pending transportation projects
§ 33.2-258. Environmental permits for highway projects; timely review
§ 33.2-259. Maintain drainage easements
§ 33.2-260. Specifications in purchasing lubricating motor oil
§ 33.2-261. Value engineering required in certain projects
§ 33.2-263. School bus stop signs or other indicators
§ 33.2-264. Livestock on right-of-way of the systems of state highways
§ 33.2-265. Comprehensive roadside management program
§ 33.2-266. Intermittent closing of highways subject to flooding; permits; notice
§ 33.2-267.1. Human trafficking hotline; posted notice required
§ 33.2-269. Localities may use design-build contracts
§ 33.2-270. Provide for training of certain local employees
§ 33.2-271. Maintain property acquired for construction of transportation projects
§ 33.2-272.1. Interstate pipelines; Department of Transportation oversight
§ 33.2-273. Use of steel plates in connection with highway repairs
§ 33.2-274. Application and installation of traffic control measures
§ 33.2-274.1. Roadside safety devices to be equipped with identification numbers
§ 33.2-275. Periodic quantitative rating of certain highways
§ 33.2-275.1. Primary evacuation routes; public information
§ 33.2-276. Noise abatement practices and technologies
§ 33.2-277. Sale of materials to, and use of equipment by, localities and school boards
§ 33.2-278. Facilities for persons desiring to fish from bridges
§ 33.2-280. Treatment of highway surfaces for dust control
§ 33.2-280.1. Charging electronic toll collection device fees
§ 33.2-282. Department of Rail and Public Transportation created; appointment of Director
§ 33.2-283. Powers and duties of the Director of the Department of Rail and Public Transportation
§ 33.2-284. General powers of the Department of Rail and Public Transportation
§ 33.2-285. Responsibilities of Department of Rail and Public Transportation
§ 33.2-286. Urban transit agency strategic plans
§ 33.2-288. Declaration of public purpose; Virginia Passenger Rail Authority
§ 33.2-289. Board of Directors
§ 33.2-290. Executive Director; agents and employees
§ 33.2-291. Local authorities subordinate to Authority
§ 33.2-292. Powers of the Authority
§ 33.2-293. Acquisition, possession, and disposition of rail facilities; eminent domain
§ 33.2-295. Deposit and investment of funds
§ 33.2-296. Revenues of the Authority
§ 33.2-297. Moneys of Authority
§ 33.2-299. Recordkeeping; audits
§ 33.2-299.1. Exemption of Authority from personnel and procurement procedures
§ 33.2-299.2. Police powers; Authority rules and regulations
§ 33.2-299.3. Governmental function; exemption from taxation
§ 33.2-299.4. Cooperation with federal agencies
§ 33.2-299.5. Continuing responsibilities of the Transportation Board and the Department