Code of Virginia
Chapter 15 - Transportation Funding
§ 33.2-1526.4. Commonwealth Rail Fund

A. The General Assembly declares it to be in the public interest that developing and continuing intercity passenger and freight rail operations and the development of rail infrastructure, rolling stock, and support facilities to support intercity passenger and freight rail service are important elements of a balanced transportation system in the Commonwealth and further declares it to be in the public interest that the retention, maintenance, improvement, and development of intercity passenger and freight rail-related infrastructure improvements and operations are essential to the Commonwealth's continued economic growth, vitality, and competitiveness in national and world markets.
B. There is hereby established in the state treasury a special nonreverting fund to be known as the Commonwealth Rail Fund (the Fund). The Fund shall be established on the books of the Comptroller and shall consist of funds dedicated pursuant to subdivision 3 of § 33.2-1524.1. Interest earned on moneys in the Fund shall remain in the Fund and be credited to it. Any moneys remaining in the Fund, including interest thereon, at the end of each fiscal year shall not revert to the general fund but shall remain in the Fund. Moneys in the Fund shall be used solely as provided in this section.
C. The amounts dedicated to the Fund pursuant to § 33.2-1524.1 shall be deposited monthly into the Fund. Thereafter, 93 percent shall be distributed to the Virginia Passenger Rail Authority as soon as practicable for use in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 (§ 33.2-287 et seq.) of Chapter 2. The remaining seven percent shall remain in the Fund for the Department of Rail and Public Transportation for planning purposes and for grants for rail projects not administered by the Virginia Passenger Rail Authority. The Department of Rail and Public Transportation may use up to $4 million for the purposes of the Shortline Railway Preservation and Development Fund pursuant to § 33.2-1602.
2020, cc. 1230, 1275.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 33.2 - Highways and Other Surface Transportation Systems

Chapter 15 - Transportation Funding

§ 33.2-1500. Legislative findings and purposes

§ 33.2-1501. Definitions

§ 33.2-1502. Creation of the Virginia Transportation Infrastructure Bank

§ 33.2-1503. Eligibility and project selection

§ 33.2-1504. Grants from the Commonwealth Transportation Board

§ 33.2-1505. Project obligations

§ 33.2-1506. Exemption from taxation; exemption from Virginia Public Procurement Act

§ 33.2-1507. Reporting requirement

§ 33.2-1508. Repealed

§ 33.2-1509. Funds for access roads to economic development sites and airports; construction, maintenance, etc., of such roads

§ 33.2-1509.1. Moratorium on repayment of funds allocated for access roads program

§ 33.2-1510. Fund for access roads and bikeways to public recreational areas and historical sites; construction, maintenance, etc., of such facilities

§ 33.2-1511. Definitions

§ 33.2-1512. Authorization of Notes

§ 33.2-1513. Use of proceeds of Notes

§ 33.2-1514. Details of Notes

§ 33.2-1515. Form and manner of execution; signature of person ceasing to be officer

§ 33.2-1516. Authority to obtain GARVEE approval

§ 33.2-1517. Expenses

§ 33.2-1518. Deposit of proceeds

§ 33.2-1519. Other funds

§ 33.2-1520. Application of project-specific reimbursements

§ 33.2-1521. Investment of proceeds and other amounts

§ 33.2-1522. Exemption from taxation

§ 33.2-1523. Notes as eligible securities

§ 33.2-1524. Commonwealth Transportation Fund

§ 33.2-1524.1. Transportation Trust Fund

§ 33.2-1525. Administration of Transportation Trust Fund

§ 33.2-1526. Commonwealth Mass Transit Fund

§ 33.2-1526.1. Use of the Commonwealth Mass Transit Fund

§ 33.2-1526.2. Commonwealth Transit Capital Fund

§ 33.2-1526.3. (Effective until July 1, 2024) Transit Ridership Incentive Program

§ 33.2-1526.3. (Effective July 1, 2024) Transit Ridership Incentive Program

§ 33.2-1526.4. Commonwealth Rail Fund

§ 33.2-1526.5. Commonwealth Port Fund

§ 33.2-1526.6. Commonwealth Aviation Fund

§ 33.2-1526.7. Commonwealth Space Flight Fund

§ 33.2-1527. Priority Transportation Fund

§ 33.2-1528. Concession Payments Account

§ 33.2-1529. Toll Facilities Revolving Account

§ 33.2-1529.1. Transportation Partnership Opportunity Fund

§ 33.2-1530. Highway Maintenance and Operating Fund

§ 33.2-1531. Innovation and Technology Transportation Fund

§ 33.2-1532. Special Structure Fund