Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to restrict or avoid sales or exchanges of regulated product between importers, manufacturers, or manipulators who mix fertilizer materials for sale, or to prevent the free and unrestricted shipments of regulated product to manufacturers or manipulators who have registered their brands, and are licensed, as required by provisions of this chapter.
1994, c. 740, § 3.1-106.20; 2008, c. 860.
Structure Code of Virginia
Title 3.2 - Agriculture, Animal Care, and Food
§ 3.2-3601. Authority of the Board and the Commissioner to adopt regulations
§ 3.2-3602. Local government regulation of fertilizer
§ 3.2-3604. Exchanges between manufacturers
§ 3.2-3605. License and registration year; permit year
§ 3.2-3606. Distributor required to obtain license; fee
§ 3.2-3607. Product registration and label requirements; exemptions
§ 3.2-3607.1. Consumer education
§ 3.2-3607.2. Sale of deicing agents
§ 3.2-3608. Contractor-applicator permit
§ 3.2-3609. Reporting year; inspection fees; distribution to nonlicensees
§ 3.2-3610. Statistical reports
§ 3.2-3615. Plant food deficiency
§ 3.2-3616. Assessments for variance from label guarantees
§ 3.2-3617. Fund established; disposition of fees, assessments, and penalties
§ 3.2-3618. Inspection, sampling and analysis; penalty
§ 3.2-3619. Stop sale, use, removal, or seizure orders; penalty
§ 3.2-3620. Seizure and condemnation
§ 3.2-3621. Cancellation of registration, permit, or license