Code of Virginia
Chapter 5 - Wildlife and Fish Laws
§ 29.1-546. General penalty

Any person convicted of violating any of the provisions of this title shall, unless otherwise specified, be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor and may also be prohibited by the court from hunting, trapping, or fishing in the Commonwealth for a period of one to five years.
Code 1950, § 29-161; 1954, c. 694; 1962, c. 469; 1979, c. 264; 1987, c. 488; 2020, c. 311.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 29.1 - Wildlife, Inland Fisheries and Boating

Chapter 5 - Wildlife and Fish Laws

§ 29.1-500. Reserved

§ 29.1-501. Promulgation of regulations; publication of proposed regulations or change therein; validation; evidentiary nature of publication

§ 29.1-502. Adoption of regulations

§ 29.1-503. Repealed

§ 29.1-504. Annual publication of laws and regulations

§ 29.1-505. Penalty for violation of regulations

§ 29.1-505.1. Conspiracy; penalty

§ 29.1-506. Prescribing seasons and bag limits for taking fish and game

§ 29.1-507. Closing or shortening open season

§ 29.1-508. Board to prescribe seasons, bag limits and methods of taking and killing fish and game on lands and waters owned or controlled by Board

§ 29.1-508.1. Use of drugs on vertebrate wildlife

§ 29.1-509. Duty of care and liability for damages of landowners to hunters, fishermen, sightseers, etc.

§ 29.1-510. Big game; small game

§ 29.1-511. Open season on nuisance species

§ 29.1-512. Closed season on other species

§ 29.1-513. Daily and season bag limits as promulgated by Board regulations

§ 29.1-514. Nonmigratory game birds

§ 29.1-515. Migratory game birds

§ 29.1-516. Game animals

§ 29.1-516.1. Using tracking dogs to retrieve bear, deer, or turkey

§ 29.1-516.2. Hunting with dogs; dogs to wear tags

§ 29.1-517. Trapping and shooting of fur-bearing animals during closed season

§ 29.1-518. When killing of beaver permitted

§ 29.1-519. Guns, pistols, revolvers, etc., which may be used; penalty

§ 29.1-520. Times for hunting

§ 29.1-521. Unlawful to hunt, trap, possess, sell, or transport wild birds and wild animals except as permitted; exception; penalty

§ 29.1-521.1. Willfully impeding hunting or trapping; penalty

§ 29.1-521.2. Violation of § 18.2-286 while hunting; revocation of license and privileges

§ 29.1-521.3. Shooting wild birds and wild animals from stationary vehicles by disabled persons

§ 29.1-522. Unlawful to kill male deer unless antlers visible above hair

§ 29.1-523. Killing deer by use of certain lights; acts raising presumption of attempt to kill

§ 29.1-523.1. Hunting deer with sights after dark; forfeiture of weapon and sighting device

§ 29.1-524. Forfeiture of vehicles and weapons used for killing or attempt to kill

§ 29.1-525. Employment of lights under certain circumstances upon places used by deer

§ 29.1-525.1. Deer enclosures prohibited; exceptions; penalty

§ 29.1-525.2. Fox and coyote enclosures prohibited; penalty

§ 29.1-526. Counties and cities may prohibit hunting or trapping near primary and secondary highways

§ 29.1-527. Counties, cities or towns may prohibit hunting near public schools and county, city, town or regional parks

§ 29.1-527.1. Localities may prohibit feeding of migratory and nonmigratory waterfowl

§ 29.1-527.2. Localities may prohibit feeding of deer

§ 29.1-528. Board to develop model ordinances for hunting with firearms; counties or cities may adopt

§ 29.1-528.1. Board to develop model ordinances for hunting with bow and arrow; counties or cities may adopt

§ 29.1-528.2. Local tree stand ordinance; disabled hunter exempt

§ 29.1-529. Killing of deer, elk or bear damaging fruit trees, crops, livestock, or personal property; wildlife creating a hazard to aircraft or motor vehicles

§ 29.1-530. Open and closed season for trapping, bag limits, etc.

§ 29.1-530.1. Solid blaze orange or solid blaze pink clothing required at certain times

§ 29.1-530.2. Unlawfully killing bear; penalty

§ 29.1-530.3. Remote hunting prohibited; penalty

§ 29.1-530.4. Duty of certain entities to report hunting incidents

§ 29.1-530.5. Wildlife Violator Compact

§ 29.1-531. Unlawful to take or attempt to take, possess, sell or transport fish except as permitted

§ 29.1-532. Dams and fishways

§ 29.1-533. Prohibition against use of substances injurious to fish

§ 29.1-534. Right to fish in interjurisdictional inland waters

§ 29.1-535. Reciprocal agreement as to fishing in such waters

§ 29.1-536. Sale

§ 29.1-537. Possession

§ 29.1-538. Reserved

§ 29.1-539. Keeping deer or bear struck by motor vehicle; procedure to be followed by driver

§ 29.1-540. Carriage and shipment

§ 29.1-541. Storage

§ 29.1-542. Importation

§ 29.1-543. Game and fish taken and packaged outside the Commonwealth

§ 29.1-543.1. Introduction, stocking, and release of blue catfish; penalty

§ 29.1-544. Dressing, packing and selling bobwhite quail

§ 29.1-545. Possession, sale, offering for sale or liberation of live nutria

§ 29.1-546. General penalty

§ 29.1-547. Trapping, selling, purchasing, etc., migratory game birds

§ 29.1-548. Killing deer illegally

§ 29.1-549. Hunting deer from watercraft

§ 29.1-550. Taking game or fish during closed season or exceeding bag limit

§ 29.1-551. Assessment of value of game or fish unlawfully taken

§ 29.1-552. Killing wild turkey during closed season

§ 29.1-553. Selling or offering for sale; penalty

§ 29.1-553.1. Penalty for wanton waste

§ 29.1-554. Violation of sanctuaries, refuges, preserves and water used for propagation

§ 29.1-554.1. Impeding lawful fishing in inland waters; penalty

§ 29.1-555. Reserved

§ 29.1-556. Unlawful devices to be destroyed

§ 29.1-556.1. Release of certain balloons prohibited; civil penalty; community service

§ 29.1-557. Confiscation of wild birds and animals under certain circumstances; disposition

§ 29.1-558. Reserved

§ 29.1-561. Self-incrimination

§ 29.1-562. Reserved

§ 29.1-563. Definitions

§ 29.1-564. Taking, transportation, sale, etc., of endangered species prohibited

§ 29.1-565. Reserved

§ 29.1-566. Regulations

§ 29.1-567. Penalties; authority of conservation police officers and police officers; disposition of property seized

§ 29.1-568. When Board may permit taking of endangered or threatened species; designated experimental populations

§ 29.1-569. Keeping of reptiles generally; penalty

§ 29.1-570. Cooperation of state agencies

§ 29.1-571. Definition

§ 29.1-572. Authority of Board; regulations

§ 29.1-573. Department; powers

§ 29.1-574. Prohibitions

§ 29.1-575. Permits

§ 29.1-576. Authority for inspection; warrants

§ 29.1-576.1. Zebra mussels; education program

§ 29.1-577. Penalties

§ 29.1-578. Definitions

§ 29.1-579. Wildlife Corridor Action Plan; adoption