Code of Virginia
Chapter 2 - General Provisions
§ 28.2-208.1. Commercial Fishing Advisory Board established

A. There is hereby established the Commercial Fishing Advisory Board, which shall hereinafter be known as the Board. The Board shall advise the Commission on the expenditure of those moneys received.
B. The Board shall consist of nine members appointed by the Commissioner from a list of nominees submitted by organizations representing commercial fishing interests. The membership shall be representative of the geographic area covered by the commercial fishing license.
C. The term of each member shall be for three years, provided that initial appointments shall be three members appointed for three years, three members appointed for two years and three members appointed for one year. Appointments to fill vacancies shall be made to fill the unexpired terms.
D. Members shall receive no compensation for their services but shall receive reimbursement for actual expenses. The Board shall meet at the call of the Commissioner or at least four times yearly.
1993, c. 10.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 28.2 - Fisheries and Habitat of the Tidal Waters

Chapter 2 - General Provisions

§ 28.2-200. Definitions

§ 28.2-201. Authority of Commission to make regulations, establish licenses, and prepare fishery management plans; accept federal grants; enforcement; penalty for violation of regulation

§ 28.2-201.1. Commission to administer grants to individuals transferring oysters to a state-managed sanctuary; fund

§ 28.2-202. Commissioner; fishery powers

§ 28.2-203. Commission to prepare fishery management plans; standards

§ 28.2-203.1. Blue crab fishery management plan

§ 28.2-204. Authority to collect fisheries statistics

§ 28.2-204.1. Limited sale of gear licenses and permits; regulations

§ 28.2-205. Scientific collection permits; penalty

§ 28.2-206. Virginia Saltwater Sport Fishing Tournament

§ 28.2-207. Tournament Advisory Committee continued

§ 28.2-208. Marine Fishing Improvement Fund continued

§ 28.2-208.1. Commercial Fishing Advisory Board established

§ 28.2-208.2. Menhaden Management Advisory Committee established

§ 28.2-209. Publication of proposed regulations

§ 28.2-210. Adoption of emergency regulations

§ 28.2-211. Hearing on proposed regulations

§ 28.2-212. Adoption of regulations

§ 28.2-213. Distribution of new regulations

§ 28.2-214. Right of petition to Commission

§ 28.2-215. Judicial review of validity of regulations

§ 28.2-216. Hearings before Commission

§ 28.2-217. Procedure of hearing

§ 28.2-218. Finding, award, etc., of Commission

§ 28.2-219. Judicial review in contested cases

§ 28.2-220. Appeals to Court of Appeals

§ 28.2-221. Proof of posting of notices

§ 28.2-222. Districts

§ 28.2-223. Appointment of officers

§ 28.2-224. Collection of license fees

§ 28.2-225. Fishing license required; penalty

§ 28.2-226. Exemptions from licensing requirements

§ 28.2-226.1. Recreational gear license required

§ 28.2-226.2. Commission to establish requirements for commercial gear licenses used for recreational purposes

§ 28.2-227. Special nonresident harvester's license; fee and oath; revocation; penalty

§ 28.2-228. Licenses for purchase of fish, shellfish, or marine organisms from the catcher; fee

§ 28.2-228.1. Seafood landing licenses

§ 28.2-229. When licenses terminate; proration and refund not permitted

§ 28.2-230. Penalty for false statements or altering a fishing license; penalty

§ 28.2-231. Exhibition of license; display to officers; penalty

§ 28.2-232. Revocation of licenses

§ 28.2-233. License tags or identification generally

§ 28.2-234. License tags and identification numbers to be fastened; penalty

§ 28.2-235. Duty to apply for new tag in case of loss; penalty

§ 28.2-236. Seizure of unmarked devices

§ 28.2-237. Removal of abandoned pole or stake; revocation of licenses for failure to remove stakes

§ 28.2-238. Concealing name or number of vessel; penalty

§ 28.2-239. Exemptions from article

§ 28.2-240. Repealed

§ 28.2-241. Registration of commercial fishermen required; exemption; penalty

§ 28.2-242. Report of harvest required

§ 28.2-243. Commission to promulgate regulations

§ 28.2-244. Purchase of shellfish or finfish; penalty

§ 28.2-245. Fishery Resource Grant Fund established; purpose; Consortium to award grants

§ 28.2-246. Fishery Resource Grant Advisory Board established; membership; duties

§ 28.2-247. Graduate Marine Science Consortium to submit report