A. Costs of the recount shall be assessed against the counties and cities comprising the election district when (i) the candidate petitioning for the recount is declared the winner; (ii) the petitioners in a recount of a referendum win the recount; or (iii) there was between the candidate apparently nominated or elected and the candidate petitioning for the recount a difference of not more than one-half of one percent of the total vote cast for the two such candidates as determined by the State Board or electoral board prior to the recount. Otherwise the costs of the recount shall be assessed against the candidate petitioning for the recount or the petitioners in a recount of a referendum. If more than one candidate petitions for a recount, the court may assess costs in an equitable manner between the counties and cities and any such candidate if both are liable for costs under this subsection. Costs incurred to date shall be assessed against any candidate or petitioner who defaults or withdraws his petition.
B. The court shall appraise the costs of the recount subject to the following limitations: (i) no per diem payment shall be assessed for salaried election officials; (ii) no per diem payment to officers of election serving as recount officials shall exceed two-thirds of the per diem paid such officers by the county or city for service on election day; and (iii) per diem payments to alternates shall be allowed only if they serve.
C. Any petitioner who may be assessed with costs under subsection A shall post a bond with surety with the court in the amount of $10 per precinct in the area subject to recount. If the petitioner wins the recount, the bond shall not be forfeit. If the petitioner loses the recount, the bond shall be forfeit only to the extent of the assessed costs. If the assessed costs exceed the bond, he shall be liable for such excess.
2020, c. 886.
Structure Code of Virginia
Chapter 8 - Recounts and Contested Elections
§ 24.2-800. Recounts in all elections
§ 24.2-801. Petition for recount; recount court
§ 24.2-801.1. Petition for recount of election for presidential electors; recount court
§ 24.2-802.2. General recount procedures
§ 24.2-802.3. Costs of the recount
§ 24.2-803. Contest of election to General Assembly
§ 24.2-804. Contest of elections of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General
§ 24.2-806. Contest of other primaries and elections
§ 24.2-807. Contest only on complaint of unsuccessful party; contents of complaint
§ 24.2-808. Time of filing and service of complaint; enlargement or amendment of complaint
§ 24.2-809. Filing answer; contents; enlargement or amendment of answer
§ 24.2-810. Taking depositions and deciding contests
§ 24.2-811. Costs and issuance of certificate of election
§ 24.2-812. Proceedings when court decides no valid election has been held