Code of Virginia
Chapter 4.1 - Uniform Military and Overseas Voters Act
§ 24.2-460. Transmission of unvoted ballots

A. For an election described in § 24.2-454 for which this state has not received a waiver pursuant to § 579 of the Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act, 52 U.S.C. § 20302(g)(2), not later than 45 days before the election, the election official in each jurisdiction charged with distributing a ballot and balloting materials shall transmit a ballot and balloting materials to all covered voters who by that date submit a valid military-overseas ballot application.
B. A covered voter may request that a ballot and balloting materials be sent to the voter as authorized in § 24.2-706.
C. If a ballot application from a covered voter arrives after the jurisdiction begins transmitting ballots and balloting materials to voters, the official charged with distributing a ballot and balloting materials shall transmit them to the voter not later than three business days after the application arrives.
2012, c. 353.