Code of Virginia
Chapter 1 - General Provisions and Administration
§ 24.2-106.01. Description of duties and responsibilities; required affirmation

A. The State Board, with the cooperation of the local electoral boards and general registrars, shall develop a description of the duties and responsibilities of the local electoral boards and update such description as needed. Such description shall include the statutory and regulatory duties and responsibilities of the electoral boards, prohibited activities of the electoral boards and members of electoral boards, and the qualifications and disqualifications of members of electoral boards.
B. The Department shall provide to the clerks of the circuit courts, the chairmen of the state and district political party committees, the general registrars, and the local electoral boards the description developed pursuant to subsection A. Such description shall be provided no later than the first day of December each year.
C. Each person nominated for appointment to a local electoral board shall certify that he has read the description developed pursuant to this section and affirm prior to his appointment pursuant to § 24.2-106 that he will faithfully discharge all duties and responsibilities set forth in that description.
2017, c. 271.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 24.2 - Elections

Chapter 1 - General Provisions and Administration

§ 24.2-100. Applicability of title

§ 24.2-101. Definitions

§ 24.2-101.01. Certified mail; subsequent mail or notices may be sent by regular mail

§ 24.2-101.1. Implementation of certain laws; special elections

§ 24.2-102. Appointment; terms; Commissioner of Elections; prohibited activities

§ 24.2-103. Powers and duties in general; report

§ 24.2-103.1. Duties of Department of Elections related to redistricting

§ 24.2-103.2. Duties of the Department of Elections related to accessible absentee voting

§ 24.2-104. Requesting assistance for attorney for the Commonwealth; investigative committees

§ 24.2-104.1. Civil actions by Attorney General

§ 24.2-105.1. Election and voter participation information on the Internet

§ 24.2-105. Prescribing various forms

§ 24.2-105.2. Acceptance of payments

§ 24.2-106. Appointment and terms; vacancies; chairman and secretary; certain prohibitions; training

§ 24.2-106.01. Description of duties and responsibilities; required affirmation

§ 24.2-106.1. Prohibiting the solicitation in public buildings of signatures for nominating petitions by electoral board members and employees

§ 24.2-107. Meetings; quorum; notice; account of proceedings; seal; records open to inspection

§ 24.2-108. Compensation and expenses of members

§ 24.2-109. Appointment and removal of general registrar and officers of election; powers and duties in general

§ 24.2-109.1. Performance review of general registrars

§ 24.2-110. Appointment, qualifications, and term of general registrar; vacancies; certain prohibitions

§ 24.2-111. Compensation and expenses of general registrars

§ 24.2-112. Deputy registrars; employees

§ 24.2-113. Repealed

§ 24.2-114. Duties and powers of general registrar

§ 24.2-115. Appointment, qualifications, and terms of officers of election

§ 24.2-115.1. Officers of election; hours of service

§ 24.2-115.2. Officers of election; required training

§ 24.2-116. Compensation of officers; volunteer officers

§ 24.2-117. Request for removal of officer of election

§ 24.2-118. Appointments when officers fail to serve

§ 24.2-118.1. Repealed

§ 24.2-119. Restrictions on persons holding other offices serving as member of electoral board, registrar, or officer of election

§ 24.2-119.1. Prohibition on discrimination in employment; penalty

§ 24.2-120. Oath of office

§ 24.2-121. Defense of the electoral board, its members, and the general registrar staff; appointment of counsel

§ 24.2-122. Status of members of electoral boards, registrars, and officers of election

§ 24.2-123. Requirements for registration and voting; prohibition on use of power of attorney

§ 24.2-124. Repealed

§ 24.2-124.1. Acceptance of certain gifts and funding prohibited