Code of Virginia
Chapter 31 - Educational Authorities, Centers, Committees, Funds, Institutes, and Partnerships
§ 23.1-3127. Powers of the board

A. The board has, in addition to its other powers, all the corporate powers given to corporations by the provisions of Title 13.1, except in those cases where, by the express terms of its provisions, it is confined to corporations created under that title. The board may accept, execute, and administer any trust in which it may have an interest under the terms of the instrument creating the trust.
B. The board may establish and administer agreements with (i) public institutions of higher education and private institutions of higher education to provide undergraduate-level and graduate-level instructional programs at the Center and (ii) Virginia Highlands Community College and other public institutions of higher education and private institutions of higher education to provide freshman-level and sophomore-level courses and associate degrees. The board shall seek opportunities to collaborate with local comprehensive community colleges to meet specialized noncredit workforce training needs identified by industry. However, if local community colleges are unable to meet identified industry needs, then the board may seek to collaborate with other education providers or may provide Center-delivered specialized noncredit workforce training independent of local comprehensive community colleges.
C. The board may, on behalf of the Center, apply for, accept, and expend gifts, grants, or donations from public or private sources to enable it to carry out its objectives.
1991, c. 627, §§ 23-231.4, 23-231.6; 1998, c. 78; 1999, cc. 424, 437; 2016, c. 588; 2019, c. 766.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 23.1 - Institutions of Higher Education; Other Educational and Cultural Institutions

Chapter 31 - Educational Authorities, Centers, Committees, Funds, Institutes, and Partnerships

§ 23.1-3100. Governing boards of educational institutions; removal of members

§ 23.1-3101. A.L. Philpott Manufacturing Extension Partnership established; purpose and duties

§ 23.1-3102. Board of trustees

§ 23.1-3103. Expenses of board members

§ 23.1-3104. Executive director

§ 23.1-3105. Powers of the board

§ 23.1-3106. Cooperation of other agencies; legal services

§ 23.1-3107. Institute for Advanced Learning and Research established; duties

§ 23.1-3108. Board of trustees

§ 23.1-3109. Powers of the board

§ 23.1-3110. President or president and executive director

§ 23.1-3111. New College Institute established; duties

§ 23.1-3112. Board of directors

§ 23.1-3113. Powers and duties of the board

§ 23.1-3114. Executive director

§ 23.1-3115. Roanoke Higher Education Authority established

§ 23.1-3116. Duties of the Authority

§ 23.1-3117. Board of trustees

§ 23.1-3118. Powers of the board

§ 23.1-3119. Executive director; staff

§ 23.1-3120. Southern Virginia Higher Education Center established; duties

§ 23.1-3121. Board of trustees

§ 23.1-3122. Powers of the board

§ 23.1-3123. Executive director; staff

§ 23.1-3124. Cooperation of other agencies

§ 23.1-3125. Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center established; duties

§ 23.1-3126. Board of trustees

§ 23.1-3127. Powers of the board

§ 23.1-3128. Executive director

§ 23.1-3129. Cooperation of other agencies

§ 23.1-3129.1. Virginia Rural Information Technology Apprenticeship Grant Fund and Program

§ 23.1-3130. Repealed

§ 23.1-3132. Repealed

§ 23.1-3133. Repealed

§ 23.1-3135. Online Virginia Network Authority established

§ 23.1-3136. Board of Trustees

§ 23.1-3137. Duties of the Authority

§ 23.1-3138. Procurement and information technology