Code of Virginia
Chapter 29 - State Board for Community Colleges and Virginia Community College System
§ 23.1-2908. Chancellor of the Virginia Community College System

A. The State Board shall appoint a Chancellor of the Virginia Community College System to be the chief executive officer of the System and secretary to the State Board, fix his salary, and prescribe his duties in addition to those duties set forth in subsection B.
B. The Chancellor shall:
1. Formulate such policies and regulations and provide for such assistance in his office as are necessary for the proper performance of the duties prescribed by the provisions of this chapter;
2. Designate an employee of the State Board to serve as its liaison to the Board of Education;
3. Appoint agents and employees and fix their functions, powers, duties, titles, and salaries, subject to the approval of the State Board and the provisions of the Virginia Personnel Act (§ 2.2-2900 et seq.);
4. Submit an annual report to the Governor and General Assembly on or before November 1 of each year. Such report shall be submitted as a report document as provided in the procedures of the Division of Legislative Automated Systems for the processing of legislative documents and reports and shall be posted on the General Assembly's website. Such report shall contain, at a minimum, the annual financial statements for the year ending the preceding June 30 and the accounts and status of any ongoing capital projects;
5. Prescribe the forms of applications, reports, affidavits, and such other forms as may be required in the administration of this chapter;
6. Cooperate with agencies of the United States in relation to matters set forth in this chapter and in any reasonable manner that may be necessary for the Commonwealth to qualify for and to receive grants or aid from such federal agencies, subject to the direction of the State Board; and
7. Enforce the standards established by the State Board for personnel employed in the administration of this chapter and remove or cause to be removed each employee who does not meet such standards.
C. The Chancellor may receive, for and on behalf of the Commonwealth and its subdivisions, from the United States and agencies of the United States and any other source grants-in-aid and gifts made for the purpose of providing or assisting in providing any career and technical or other education or educational programs authorized by this chapter, including expenses of administration. All such funds shall be paid into the state treasury. However, nothing in this chapter shall preclude any other agency, board, or officer of the Commonwealth from being designated as the directing or allocating agency, board, or officer for the distribution of federal grants-in-aid or the performance of other duties to the extent necessary to qualify for and to receive grants-in-aid for programs and institutions under the administration of the State Board.
1966, c. 679, §§ 23-223, 23-224, 23-225, 23-227, 23-228, 23-229, 23-230, 23-231; 1970, c. 728; 1977, c. 413; 1984, c. 734; 1985, c. 146; 2001, c. 483; 2004, c. 650; 2015, c. 140; 2016, c. 588.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 23.1 - Institutions of Higher Education; Other Educational and Cultural Institutions

Chapter 29 - State Board for Community Colleges and Virginia Community College System

§ 23.1-2900. Definitions

§ 23.1-2901. State Board for Community Colleges established; purpose; Virginia Community College System

§ 23.1-2902. State Board; membership

§ 23.1-2903. State Board; officers, meetings, and regulations

§ 23.1-2904. State Board; duties

§ 23.1-2905. State Board; powers

§ 23.1-2906. Comprehensive community colleges; duties; workforce

§ 23.1-2906.1. Dual enrollment; high school equivalency; workforce training

§ 23.1-2906.2. Certain comprehensive community colleges; veterans advisors and veterans resource centers

§ 23.1-2907. Policy for the award of academic credit for military training

§ 23.1-2907.1. Policy for award of academic credit for apprenticeship credentials

§ 23.1-2907.2. Registered apprenticeships; uniform instruction

§ 23.1-2908. Chancellor of the Virginia Community College System

§ 23.1-2908.1. Repealed

§ 23.1-2909. Bonds of agents and System employees

§ 23.1-2910. Extension programs; similar courses of study

§ 23.1-2911. Community College Week

§ 23.1-2911.1. Northern Virginia Community College; computer science training and professional development activities for public school teachers

§ 23.1-2911.2. Get Skilled, Get a Job, Give Back Fund and Program

§ 23.1-2912. Shipyard workers; applied sciences and apprenticeship programs; Virginia Vocational Incentive Scholarship Program for Shipyard Workers; Fund

§ 23.1-2913. Machinery and Equipment Donation Grant Program and Fund established