Code of Virginia
Chapter 15 - Department of Planning and Budget
§ 2.2-1509.2. Budget Bill to include amounts diverted from Commonwealth Transportation Fund

If any money in the Commonwealth Transportation Fund established pursuant to § 33.2-1524 is proposed to be used for any purpose other than administering, planning, constructing, improving, and maintaining the roads embraced in the systems of highways for the Commonwealth and its localities and/or furthering the interests of the Commonwealth in the areas of public transportation, railways, seaports, spaceports, and/or airports, then the Governor, if such diversion is proposed by the Governor, shall include with any such proposal a plan for repayment of funds diverted within three years of such use in "The Budget Bill" submitted pursuant to § 2.2-1509.
If such diversion of funds from the Commonwealth Transportation Fund is proposed by the General Assembly as an amendment to the Budget Bill, such amendment shall include language setting out the plan for repayment of such funds within three years.
2003, c. 970; 2020, cc. 1230, 1275.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 2.2 - Administration of Government

Chapter 15 - Department of Planning and Budget

§ 2.2-1500. Department of Planning and Budget created; appointment of Director; powers and duties

§ 2.2-1501. Duties of Department

§ 2.2-1501.1. Additional duties of Department; commercial activities list

§ 2.2-1502. Establishing regulations for preplanning of capital outlay projects

§ 2.2-1502.1. School efficiency review program

§ 2.2-1503. Filing of six-year revenue plan by Governor

§ 2.2-1503.1. Filing of six-year financial outline by Governor

§ 2.2-1503.2. Repealed

§ 2.2-1503.3. Reestimate of general fund revenues

§ 2.2-1504. Estimates by state agencies of amounts needed

§ 2.2-1505. Estimates by nonstate agencies of amounts needed

§ 2.2-1506. Estimates of financial needs of General Assembly and judiciary

§ 2.2-1507. Participation of certain agencies in budget development process of other agencies

§ 2.2-1508. Submission of executive budget to General Assembly

§ 2.2-1509. Budget Bill

§ 2.2-1509.1. Budget bill to include appropriations for capital outlay projects

§ 2.2-1509.2. Budget Bill to include amounts diverted from Commonwealth Transportation Fund

§ 2.2-1509.3. Budget bill to include appropriations for major information technology projects

§ 2.2-1509.4. Budget bill to include an appropriation for land preservation

§ 2.2-1510. Publication of budget highlights; public hearings

§ 2.2-1511. Consideration of budget by committees

§ 2.2-1512. Financial statements by Comptroller

§ 2.2-1513. Submission of additional information to legislative committees

§ 2.2-1514. (Contingent expiration date) Commitment of general fund for nonrecurring expenditures

§ 2.2-1514. (Contingent effective date) Commitment of general fund for nonrecurring expenditures