When a subpoena has been served pursuant to Rule 3A:12 of the Rules of the Supreme Court on a person who is not a party to the action requiring the production of information that is stored in an electronic format, the person shall produce a tangible copy of the information. If a tangible copy cannot be produced, the person shall permit the parties to review the information on a computer or by electronic means during normal business hours, provided that the information can be accessed and isolated. If a tangible copy cannot reasonably be produced and the information is commingled with information other than that requested in the subpoena and cannot reasonably be isolated, the person may file a motion for a protective order or motion to quash.
2002, c. 764.
Structure Code of Virginia
Title 19.2 - Criminal Procedure
Chapter 16 - Evidence and Witnesses
§ 19.2-267.1. Authority of law-enforcement officer to issue summons to witness; failure to appear
§ 19.2-267.2. Response to subpoena for information stored in electronic format
§ 19.2-268. Right of accused to testify
§ 19.2-268.3. Admissibility of statements by children in certain cases
§ 19.2-269. Convicts as witnesses (Supreme Court Rule 2:609 derived from this section)
§ 19.2-269.1. Inmates as witnesses in criminal cases
§ 19.2-269.2. Nondisclosure of addresses or telephone numbers of crime victims and witnesses
§ 19.2-270. When statement by accused as witness not received as evidence
§ 19.2-270.1. Use of photographs as evidence in certain larceny and burglary prosecutions
§ 19.2-270.1:1. Computer and electronic data in obscenity, etc. cases; access to defendant
§ 19.2-270.3. Admissible evidence as to identity of party presenting bad check, draft or order
§ 19.2-270.4. When donation, destruction, or return of exhibits received in evidence authorized
§ 19.2-270.4:1. Storage, preservation and retention of human biological evidence in felony cases
§ 19.2-270.5. DNA profile admissible in criminal proceeding
§ 19.2-271.1. Competency of spouses to testify
§ 19.2-271.4. Privileged communications by certain public safety personnel
§ 19.2-271.5. Protected information; newspersons engaged in journalism
§ 19.2-271.6. Evidence of defendant's mental condition admissible; notice to Commonwealth
§ 19.2-273. Certificate that witness is needed in another state; hearing
§ 19.2-274. When court to order witness to attend
§ 19.2-276. Penalty for failure to attend and testify
§ 19.2-277. Summoning witnesses in another state to testify in this Commonwealth
§ 19.2-279. Penalty for failure of such witnesses to testify
§ 19.2-280. Exemption of such witnesses from arrest or service of process