Code of Virginia
Chapter 4 - The Court of Appeals
§ 17.1-410. Disposition of appeals; finality of decisions

A. Each appeal of right taken to the Court of Appeals and each appeal for which a petition for appeal has been granted shall be considered by a panel of the court.
When the Court of Appeals has (i) dismissed an appeal in any case in accordance with the Rules of Court or (ii) decided an appeal, its decision shall be final, without appeal to the Supreme Court, in:
1. Appeals in criminal cases pursuant to subsections A or E of § 19.2-398 and § 19.2-401. Such finality of the Court of Appeals' decision shall not preclude a defendant, if he is convicted, from requesting the Court of Appeals or Supreme Court on direct appeal to reconsider an issue which was the subject of the pretrial appeal; and
2. Appeals involving involuntary treatment of prisoners pursuant to § 53.1-40.1 or 53.1-133.04.
3. Appeals involving denial of a concealed handgun permit pursuant to § 18.2-308.08.
B. All other decisions of the Court of Appeals shall be appealable to the Supreme Court in accordance with the provisions of § 17.1-411.
1983, c. 413, § 17-116.07; 1984, c. 701; 1987, c. 710; 1988, c. 873; 1998, c. 872; 2000, c. 830; 2019, c. 809; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 489.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 17.1 - Courts of Record

Chapter 4 - The Court of Appeals

§ 17.1-400. Creation and organization; election and terms of judges; oath; vacancies; qualifications; incompatible activities prohibited; chief judge

§ 17.1-401. Senior judge

§ 17.1-402. Sessions; panels; quorum; presiding judges; hearings en banc

§ 17.1-403. Rules of practice, procedure, and internal processes; promulgation by Supreme Court; amendments; summary disposition of appeals

§ 17.1-404. Original jurisdiction in matters of contempt and injunctions, writs of mandamus, prohibition and habeas corpus

§ 17.1-405. Appellate jurisdiction - Administrative agency, Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission, and civil matter appeals

§ 17.1-406. Appeals in criminal matters; cases over which Court of Appeals does not have jurisdiction

§ 17.1-407. Procedures on appeal

§ 17.1-408. Time for filing; notice; opening brief; petition

§ 17.1-409. Certification to the Supreme Court

§ 17.1-410. Disposition of appeals; finality of decisions

§ 17.1-411. Review by the Supreme Court

§ 17.1-412. Affirmance, reversal, or modification of judgment; petition for appeal to Supreme Court upon award of new trial

§ 17.1-413. Opinions; reporting, printing and electronic publication

§ 17.1-414. Facilities and supplies

§ 17.1-415. Compensation for judges; expenses

§ 17.1-416. Clerk; seal; deputies and other employees; clerk's fees

§ 17.1-417. Support staff

§ 17.1-418. Fees charged by Clerk of the Court of Appeals