Code of Virginia
Chapter 2 - Clerks, Clerks' Offices and Records
§ 17.1-208. Records, etc., open to inspection; copies; exception

A. For the purposes of this section, "confidential court records," "court records," and "nonconfidential court records" shall have the same meaning as set forth in § 17.1-292.
B. Except as otherwise provided by law, any records that are maintained by the clerks of the circuit courts shall be open to inspection in the office of the clerk by any person and the clerk shall, when requested, furnish copies thereof subject to any reasonable fee charged by the clerk pursuant to § 17.1-275. No person shall be permitted to use the clerk's office for the purpose of making copies of records in such manner, or to such extent, as will, in the determination of the clerk, interfere with the business of the office or with its reasonable use by the general public. The certificate of the clerk to copies furnished by the clerk shall, if the paper copied be recorded in a bound volume, contain the name and number of the volume and the page or folio at which the recordation of the paper begins, or the instrument number as applicable, and the clerk may charge a fee therefor pursuant to § 17.1-275. The certificate of the circuit court clerk to such copies may be provided electronically subject to the provisions of § 17.1-258.3:2. Such electronic certificate may reference an instrument number, bound volume, or other case number, but is not required to do so.
C. Requests for copies of nonconfidential court records maintained in individual case files shall be made to the clerk of the circuit court.
D. Requests for reports of aggregated, nonconfidential case data fields that are viewable through the online case information systems maintained by the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court shall be made to the Office of the Executive Secretary. Such reports of aggregated case data shall not include the name, date of birth, or social security number of any party, and shall not include images of the individual records in the respective case files. However, nothing in this section shall be construed to permit any reports of aggregated case data to be sold or posted on any other website or in any way redistributed to any third party. The clerk or the Executive Secretary, in his discretion, may deny such request to ensure compliance with these provisions. However, such data may be included in products or services provided to a third party, provided that such data is not made available to the general public.
E. Any clerk or the Executive Secretary, as applicable, may require that the request be in writing and that the requester provide his name and legal address. A request for nonconfidential court records or reports of aggregated, nonconfidential case data shall identify the requested records with reasonable specificity. Any clerk or the Executive Secretary, as applicable, may determine the costs for providing the requested records to the requester, advise the requester of such costs, and, before continuing to process the request, require the requester to agree to payment of a deposit not to exceed the amount of the advance determination, which shall be credited to the final cost of supplying the requested records. Neither a clerk nor the Executive Secretary shall be required to create a new record if the record does not already exist or provide a report of aggregated, nonconfidential case data in a format not regularly used by the clerk or the Executive Secretary; however, a clerk or the Executive Secretary, as applicable, may abstract or summarize information under such terms and conditions as agreed to by the requester and the clerk or Executive Secretary, as provided herein.
F. Except as otherwise provided by law, the requested court records or reports of aggregated, nonconfidential case data shall be provided to the requester within a reasonable period of time, given the nature of the request and the availability of staff to respond to the request, but in no event longer than 30 days from the date of a complete request made by a requester that is fully compliant with the requirements of this section and other applicable law. Any objection or assertion of confidentiality shall be provided to the requester within a reasonable period of time, but in no event longer than 30 days from the date of a complete request made by a requester.
G. Any clerk or the Executive Secretary may require payment in advance of all reasonable costs, not to exceed the actual cost incurred in accessing, duplicating, reviewing, supplying, or searching for the requested court records or reports of aggregated, nonconfidential case data, including removing any confidential information contained in the court records from the nonconfidential court records being provided, excluding any extraneous, intermediary, or surplus fees or expenses to recoup the general overhead costs associated with creating or maintaining records or transacting the general business of the clerk or the Office of the Executive Secretary. Before processing a request for court records or reports of aggregated, nonconfidential case data, any clerk or the Executive Secretary may require the requester to pay any amounts owed to the clerk or the Office of the Executive Secretary for previous requests for court records or reports of aggregated, nonconfidential case data that remain unpaid 30 days or more after billing.
H. Any clerk and the Executive Secretary shall be immune from any suit arising from the production of court records or reports of aggregated, nonconfidential case data in accordance with this section absent gross negligence or willful misconduct.
I. Nothing in this section shall be construed to apply to court records transferred to the Library of Virginia for permanent archiving pursuant to the duties imposed by the Virginia Public Records Act (§ 42.1-76 et seq.). In accordance with § 42.1-79, the Library of Virginia shall be the custodian of such permanently archived records and shall be responsible for responding to requests for such records.
Code 1919, § 3388, § 17-43; 1920, p. 242; 1930, p. 353; 1936, p. 17; 1942, p. 242; 1944, p. 40; 1946, p. 56; 1947, p. 96; 1952, c. 286; 1998, c. 872; 2002, c. 299; 2007, cc. 548, 626; 2013, c. 77; 2015, c. 641; 2018, cc. 127, 584.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 17.1 - Courts of Record

Chapter 2 - Clerks, Clerks' Offices and Records

§ 17.1-200. Clerk of Supreme Court; appointment; removal

§ 17.1-201. Appointment of deputies; their duties; how removed, etc.

§ 17.1-202. Clerk, etc., of Supreme Court not to act as counsel

§ 17.1-203. Where clerk's offices to be kept

§ 17.1-204. Examination of office and accounts of clerk

§ 17.1-205. Pro Hac Vice Fund

§ 17.1-205.1. Sealing Fee Fund

§ 17.1-206. Where offices to be located

§ 17.1-207. Days of operation of clerks' offices

§ 17.1-208. Records, etc., open to inspection; copies; exception

§ 17.1-209. Repealed

§ 17.1-210. Removal of records or papers prohibited; exceptions

§ 17.1-211. Maintenance and disposition of certain receipt books, cancelled checks and statements

§ 17.1-212. Copying of records becoming illegible

§ 17.1-213. Disposition of papers in ended cases

§ 17.1-214. Clerk to deliver or send process to sheriff

§ 17.1-215. Process book

§ 17.1-216. Handling fee for service of process

§ 17.1-217. Power of clerk to administer oath

§ 17.1-218. Repealed

§ 17.1-219. Clerk to prepare bonds

§ 17.1-219.1. Transportation orders; authorization for clerk to issue orders to custodian

§ 17.1-220. Duplicate certificate of allowance prohibited, unless ordered by court

§ 17.1-221. Reports by clerks of the business of courts of record

§ 17.1-222. Failure to make report

§ 17.1-222.1. Collection of fees, etc., by court clerks in lieu of money

§ 17.1-223. Duty of clerk to record writings, etc., and make index

§ 17.1-224. Copy of illegible instrument used for making permanent record

§ 17.1-225. Remote access to nonconfidential court records

§ 17.1-226. Remote access to certain agencies from clerk of court

§ 17.1-227. Documents to be recorded in deed books; social security numbers

§ 17.1-227.1. Use of cover sheets on deeds or other instruments by circuit court clerks

§ 17.1-228. Recording releases of deeds of trust, partial releases of deeds of trust, court ordered releases, or other liens or assignments in cities and counties using microfilm

§ 17.1-229. Additional documents to be recorded in deed book

§ 17.1-230. Documents to be recorded in bond book

§ 17.1-231. Documents to be recorded in will book

§ 17.1-232. What to be recorded in judgment docket

§ 17.1-233. What to be recorded in marriage register

§ 17.1-234. Documents to be recorded in "writings partially proved."

§ 17.1-235. Recordation of federal farm loan mortgages

§ 17.1-236. Recordation of plats and maps

§ 17.1-237. Validation of recordations in certain plat books

§ 17.1-238. State highway plat book

§ 17.1-239. Character of books used for recording; standards for microfilm, etc.

§ 17.1-240. Recording by microphotographic or electronic process

§ 17.1-241. Clerks to procure books for record

§ 17.1-242. Custody of books, records, etc.

§ 17.1-243. Clerks to have land books bound

§ 17.1-244. Books, etc., in clerks' offices rebound, transcribed, microfilmed or digitally reproduced; credit given to transcripts, etc.

§ 17.1-245. Books may be taken from clerk's office to be rebound, etc.

§ 17.1-246. How costs thereof certified and paid

§ 17.1-247. Repealed

§ 17.1-248. Clerk to make index to each of his books

§ 17.1-249. General indexes for clerks' offices; daily index

§ 17.1-250. Correction of indexes

§ 17.1-251. Indexing of certain subdivision plats or maps

§ 17.1-252. Indexing by tax map reference number

§ 17.1-253. Committee to inquire into necessity of general index; report; plan adopted; locality to cover cost

§ 17.1-254. Validation of judgment records in office of clerk of Circuit Court of Norfolk

§ 17.1-255. Expired

§ 17.1-257. Repealed

§ 17.1-258. Expired

§ 17.1-258.1. Repealed

§ 17.1-258.2. Definition

§ 17.1-258.3. Electronic filing in civil or criminal proceedings

§ 17.1-258.3:1. Electronic filing of land records; paper form

§ 17.1-258.3:2. Official certificates and certified records in digital form

§ 17.1-258.3:3. Submission of records as electronic documents

§ 17.1-258.4. Signature; when effective as original; notarization; seal

§ 17.1-258.5. Application

§ 17.1-258.6. Acceptability of electronic medium; submission of trial court record to appellate court

§ 17.1-259. Recordation of master deed of trust; form and requisites

§ 17.1-260. Recordation, effect and requisites of incorporating deed

§ 17.1-261. Recordation of names of men who served during World War I

§ 17.1-262. Recordation of discharges of those who served in World War I

§ 17.1-263. World War I Memorial Record

§ 17.1-264. Recording information on discharges of World War II servicemen

§ 17.1-265. Recordation of evidence of discharge generally; confidentiality

§ 17.1-266. Services rendered in Commonwealth's cases

§ 17.1-267. Services for which clerks may not charge

§ 17.1-268. Fee for effort to serve when person cannot be found

§ 17.1-269. To whom fees charged

§ 17.1-270. Officer to state fees, etc., on affidavit, deposition or report

§ 17.1-271. Deposit of money in bank

§ 17.1-272. Process and service fees generally

§ 17.1-273. Establishment and disposition of fees collected by certain high constable

§ 17.1-274. Commission on forthcoming bond

§ 17.1-275. Fees collected by clerks of circuit courts; generally

§ 17.1-275.1. Fixed felony fee

§ 17.1-275.2. Fixed fee for felony reduced to misdemeanor

§ 17.1-275.3. Fixed felony revocation fee

§ 17.1-275.4. Fixed misdemeanor reduced from felony revocation fee

§ 17.1-275.5. Amounts to be added; judgment in favor of the Commonwealth

§ 17.1-275.6. Fees collected from court reporter fund

§ 17.1-275.7. Fixed misdemeanor fee

§ 17.1-275.8. Fixed drug misdemeanor fee

§ 17.1-275.9. Fixed misdemeanor revocation fee

§ 17.1-275.10. Additional fee

§ 17.1-275.11. Additional fee assessed for conviction of certain offenses

§ 17.1-275.11:1. Additional fee assessed for conviction requiring computer analysis

§ 17.1-275.12. Additional fee for Internet Crimes Against Children Fund

§ 17.1-275.13. Additional fee for offenses related to sex trafficking

§ 17.1-275.14. Additional fee for Virginia State Police Electronic Summons System Fund

§ 17.1-276. Fee allowed for providing secure remote access to land records

§ 17.1-277. Repealed

§ 17.1-278. Additional fees in certain courts; use by Virginia State Bar

§ 17.1-279. Additional fee to be assessed by circuit court clerks for information technology

§ 17.1-279.1. Additional assessment for electronic summons system

§ 17.1-280. What costs chargeable against prosecutor

§ 17.1-281. Assessment for courthouse construction, renovation or maintenance

§ 17.1-282. Reserved

§ 17.1-283. Statements required of clerks of courts of record; exceptions

§ 17.1-284. How excess payable into state or local treasury determined

§ 17.1-285. Payment of excess

§ 17.1-286. Disposition of state funds locally collected

§ 17.1-287. Salaries of clerks of circuit courts

§ 17.1-288. Compensation and expenses of clerks of circuit courts in Cities of Richmond and Newport News

§ 17.1-289. Commission on certain local collections not otherwise provided for

§ 17.1-290. Contracts by cities

§ 17.1-291. Penalty for officers

§ 17.1-292. Applicability; definitions

§ 17.1-293. Posting and availability of certain information on the Internet; prohibitions

§ 17.1-293.1. (For contingent expiration date see cc. 524 and 542) Online case information system

§ 17.1-293.1. (For contingent effective date see cc. 524 and 542) Online case information system; exceptions

§ 17.1-294. Secure remote access to land records

§ 17.1-295. Definitions