The director may have such deputies or assistants in the performance of his duties as the board allows.
Code 1950, § 15-384.53; 1960, c. 382; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-766; 1972, c. 456; 1982, c. 647; 1987, c. 419; 1997, c. 587.
Structure Code of Virginia
Title 15.2 - Counties, Cities and Towns
Chapter 8 - Urban County Executive Form of Government
§ 15.2-800. Designation of form of government; applicability of chapter
§ 15.2-801. Adoption of urban county executive form
§ 15.2-803. General powers of board of supervisors
§ 15.2-805. Tenure of county executive; suspension or removal
§ 15.2-806. Absence or disability of county executive
§ 15.2-808. Tenure of county officers and employees; suspension or removal
§ 15.2-809. Compensation of officers and employees
§ 15.2-810. Restrictions on activities of former officers and employees
§ 15.2-811. Powers and duties of county executive
§ 15.2-812. County executive may act as director or head of department
§ 15.2-813. Certain officers not affected by adoption of plan
§ 15.2-814. Inquiries and investigations by board of supervisors
§ 15.2-816. Maintenance of certain sewer lines
§ 15.2-818. City may petition to become part of county
§ 15.2-819. Demolition of historic structures; civil penalty
§ 15.2-820. Donations to legal entities owning recreational facilities
§ 15.2-822. Designation of officer or employee to exercise power or perform duty
§ 15.2-823. Departments and commissions of county government
§ 15.2-824. Appointment of members of certain boards, authorities and commissions
§ 15.2-825. Committee for legislative audit and review
§ 15.2-826. Department of finance; director; general duties
§ 15.2-827. Same; expenditures and accounts
§ 15.2-828. Same; powers of commissioners of revenue; real estate assessments
§ 15.2-829. Same; powers of county treasurer; deposit of moneys
§ 15.2-830. Same; claims against counties; accounts
§ 15.2-831. Same; director as purchasing agent
§ 15.2-833. Same; obligations of chief assessing officer
§ 15.2-834. Department of public works
§ 15.2-835. Department and board of social services
§ 15.2-836. Department of law enforcement
§ 15.2-836.1. Animal protection police officer
§ 15.2-837. Department of education
§ 15.2-838. Department of records
§ 15.2-839. Department and board of health
§ 15.2-840. Department of assessments
§ 15.2-841. Department of farm and home demonstration
§ 15.2-842. Department of public safety
§ 15.2-843. Department of public utilities
§ 15.2-844. Examination and audit of books and accounts
§ 15.2-845. Schedule of compensation
§ 15.2-846. Salaries and expenses of board members; administrative staff
§ 15.2-847. Budget; board to fix salaries and allowances
§ 15.2-848. Compensation of officers and employees; fee system abolished
§ 15.2-849. Establishing times and conditions of employment; personnel management, etc.
§ 15.2-851. Expedited land development review procedure
§ 15.2-851.1. Optional provisions of a subdivision ordinance
§ 15.2-852. Disclosures in land use proceedings
§ 15.2-853. Commission on human rights; human rights ordinance
§ 15.2-856. Changes in boundaries of districts
§ 15.2-857. Judicial review; mandamus
§ 15.2-858. Creation, enlargement, contraction, etc., of sanitary districts