Code of Virginia
Chapter 67.1 - Virginia Coal Train Heritage Authority
§ 15.2-6706. Board of the Authority; qualifications; terms; quorum; records

A. All powers, rights, and duties conferred by this chapter, or other provisions of law, upon the Authority shall be exercised by the Board of the Virginia Coal Train Heritage Authority ("the board").
B. The board shall consist of 25 members as follows: three members of the governing body of each of the Counties of Dickenson, Russell, and Wise, each appointed by the respective governing body; two citizen members appointed by the governing body of each of the Counties of Dickenson, Russell, and Wise, each of whom shall be a resident of the appointing county and not a member of the county governing body; one citizen member appointed by the governing body of each of the Towns of Clinchco, Haysi, and St. Paul, each of whom shall be a resident of the appointing town; three commissioners of the Breaks Interstate Park Commission, appointed by that Commission; two at-large members who shall be Virginia residents and have experience in any aspect of the excursion train business, appointed by a majority vote of the board; and two members of the General Assembly representing any part of the County of Dickenson, Russell, or Wise, who shall serve ex officio with voting privileges.
C. Initial appointments to the board shall begin July 1, 2017. Each board member shall serve for a term of four years and may be reappointed for additional terms. The term of any member of the board shall immediately terminate if the member no longer meets the eligibility criteria of the initial appointment. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term. The members of the board shall receive no salary, unless specifically authorized by the governing bodies of Dickenson, Russell, and Wise Counties.
D. Seven members of the board shall constitute a quorum of the board for the purposes of conducting its business and exercising its powers and for all other purposes. No vacancy in the membership of the board shall impair the right of a quorum to exercise all the powers and perform all the duties of the board.
E. The board shall elect from its membership a chairman, a vice-chairman, and from its membership or not, as they desire, a secretary and a treasurer, or a secretary-treasurer, who shall continue to hold such office until their respective successors are elected.
F. The board shall keep detailed minutes of its proceedings, which shall be open to public inspection at all times. It shall keep suitable records of its financial transactions and, unless exempted by § 30-140, it shall arrange to have the records audited annually. Copies of each such audit shall be furnished to the governing bodies of Dickenson, Russell, and Wise Counties and the Auditor of Public Accounts and shall be open to public inspection.
G. A local governing body may remove from the board any member it has appointed in the event that the board member is absent from any three consecutive board meetings or is absent from any four board meetings within any 12-month period. In either such event, the local governing body shall appoint a successor for the unexpired portion of the term of the member who has been removed.
H. The accounts of the Authority shall be audited annually by the Auditor of Public Accounts, or an independent certified public accountant, and the cost of such audit shall be borne by the Authority.
2017, c. 834.