A. There is hereby created a Virginia Baseball Stadium Authority Financing Fund ("Fund"). The Authority shall use the Fund as a nonlapsing revolving fund for carrying out the provisions of this chapter.
B. All of the following receipts of the Authority shall be placed in the Fund: (i) proceeds from the sale of bonds, (ii) revenues collected or received from any source under the provisions of this chapter, and (iii) any other revenues under the jurisdiction of the Authority.
C. The Authority shall pay all expenses and make all expenditures from the Fund. To the extent deemed appropriate by the Authority, the receipts of the Fund shall be pledged to and charged with the payment of debt service on Authority bonds and all reasonable charges and expenses related to Authority borrowing and the management of Authority obligation.
1992, c. 823, § 15.1-227.81; 1997, c. 587.
Structure Code of Virginia
Title 15.2 - Counties, Cities and Towns
Chapter 58 - Virginia Baseball Stadium Authority
§ 15.2-5800. Definitions; professional baseball games; consent for construction
§ 15.2-5801. Creation of Authority
§ 15.2-5802. Members of Authority; chairman; terms
§ 15.2-5803. Quorum; actions of Authority; meetings
§ 15.2-5804. Executive Director appointment; duties
§ 15.2-5806. Public hearings; notice; reports
§ 15.2-5807. Acquisition of property
§ 15.2-5809. Investments in bonds
§ 15.2-5810. Bonds are tax exempt
§ 15.2-5811. Stadium Authority Financing Fund; use
§ 15.2-5812. Additional duties
§ 15.2-5813. Creation of local advisory boards
§ 15.2-5814. Entitlement to sales tax revenues derived from a major league baseball stadium
§ 15.2-5815. Tax revenues of the Commonwealth or any other political subdivision not pledged
§ 15.2-5816. Cooperation between the Authority and other political subdivisions