Code of Virginia
Chapter 35 - Consolidation of Localities
§ 15.2-3505. Order for election

When the publication of the consolidation agreement in each of the localities is completed, the judge or judges of the circuit courts for the counties and, if appropriate, for the cities or towns shall by order entered of record, in accordance with Article 5 (§ 24.2-681 et seq.) of Chapter 6 of Title 24.2, require the regular election officers of such localities on the day fixed in the order, which day shall be the same in each of the localities proposing to consolidate, to open a poll and take the sense of the qualified voters therein on the question submitted as hereinafter provided. Certification from the owner, editor or manager of each newspaper publishing the agreement shall be proof of publication.
Code 1950, § 15-166; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1075; 1975, c. 517; 1997, c. 587.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 15.2 - Counties, Cities and Towns

Chapter 35 - Consolidation of Localities

§ 15.2-3500. Application of article

§ 15.2-3501. Authority to consolidate counties, cities or towns

§ 15.2-3502. Agreement for consolidation

§ 15.2-3503. Petition requesting agreement

§ 15.2-3504. Publication of agreement

§ 15.2-3505. Order for election

§ 15.2-3506. Conduct of election

§ 15.2-3507. Result of election

§ 15.2-3508. Election or appointment of county officers

§ 15.2-3509. Election or appointment of city or town officers

§ 15.2-3510. General effect of consolidation

§ 15.2-3511. Liabilities

§ 15.2-3512. Suits and prosecutions

§ 15.2-3513. Magisterial, school and election districts, etc.

§ 15.2-3514. Courts and judicial circuits

§ 15.2-3515. Congressional and assembly districts

§ 15.2-3516. Registration of voters

§ 15.2-3517. Existing ordinances

§ 15.2-3518. Determination of rights

§ 15.2-3519. Repeal of certain charters

§ 15.2-3520. Counties, cities and towns specified; alternative consolidations

§ 15.2-3521. Proposed consolidated city; notice of motion; service and publication

§ 15.2-3522. Petition; appointment of special court

§ 15.2-3523. Parties

§ 15.2-3524. Time limit for intervenors

§ 15.2-3525. Pretrial conference; matters considered

§ 15.2-3526. Hearing and decision by court

§ 15.2-3527. Assistance of state agencies

§ 15.2-3528. Appeals

§ 15.2-3529. Consolidation agreement generally; advisory committee; filing agreement and referendum petition with court

§ 15.2-3530. Continuation of services of Department of Transportation after consolidation

§ 15.2-3531. Voters' petition requesting consolidation agreement and referendum

§ 15.2-3532. Required provisions of consolidation agreement

§ 15.2-3533. Transfer of property and indebtedness

§ 15.2-3534. Optional provisions of consolidation agreement

§ 15.2-3535. Advertising of charter

§ 15.2-3536. Charter for consolidated city

§ 15.2-3537. Publication of consolidation agreement

§ 15.2-3538. Order for election

§ 15.2-3539. Conduct of election

§ 15.2-3540. Result of elections; determination of form of government

§ 15.2-3541. General effect of consolidation; officers

§ 15.2-3542. Governing body to be elected and take office before effective date of consolidation in certain cases; powers

§ 15.2-3543. Electoral board, general registrar and officers of election

§ 15.2-3544. Effect on pending suits

§ 15.2-3545. Effect on assembly districts

§ 15.2-3546. Effect on jurisdiction of courts

§ 15.2-3547. Consolidation of entire county requires no action of town council

§ 15.2-3548. Effect on town charter

§ 15.2-3549. Powers of a tier-city

§ 15.2-3550. Effect of consolidation into single county; exceptions for tier-city