Code of Virginia
Chapter 32 - Boundary Changes of Towns and Cities
§ 15.2-3211. Powers of court and rules of decision; terms and conditions

The special court, in making its decision, shall balance the equities in the case, shall enter an order setting forth what it deems fair and reasonable terms and conditions, and shall direct the annexation in conformity therewith. It shall have power to:
1. Determine the metes and bounds of the territory to be annexed, and may include a greater or smaller area than that described in the ordinance or petition; the court shall so draw the lines of annexation as to have a reasonably compact body of land and so that no land shall be taken into the city which is not adapted to city improvements or which the city will not need in the reasonably near future for development, unless necessarily embraced in such compact body of land;
2. Require the assumption by the city or town of a just proportion of any existing debt of the county or any district therein;
3. Require the payment by the city of a sum to be determined by the court, payable on the effective date of annexation, to compensate the county for the value of public improvements, including but not limited to the paving of public roads and streets, the construction of sidewalks thereon, the installation of water mains, or sewers, garbage disposal systems, fire protection facilities, bridges, public schools and equipment thereof, or any other permanent public improvements owned and maintained by the county at the time of annexation; and further to compensate the county, in not more than five annual installments, for the prospective loss of net tax revenues during the next five years, to such extent as the court in its discretion may determine, because of the annexation of taxable values to the city;
4. Require the payment by a town of a sum to be determined by the court, payable on the effective date of annexation to compensate the county for any such public improvement which becomes the property of the town by annexation; the order may provide that if, within five years after the order, such town becomes a city, it shall, from and after it becomes a city, make such payments as are provided for in subdivision 3 for a period not to exceed five years from the date of such order;
5. In lieu of providing for compensation of the county for any public improvement, provide that any such improvement shall remain the property of the county, or provide for joint use thereof by the county and the city or town under such conditions as the court may prescribe with the consent of the affected localities;
6. Prescribe what capital outlays shall be made by the city in the area after annexation; the court shall require of the city the provision of any capital improvements which in its judgment are essential to meet the needs of the annexed area and to bring the same up to a standard equal to that of the remainder of the city; and the court may, in its discretion, require as a condition of annexation the provision of capital improvements in addition to those specified in the annexation ordinance when the same are required to meet the needs of the area annexed;
7. Require the payment by the city or town to any common carrier of passengers by motor bus, who may become a party to the annexation proceeding, of a sum to be determined by the court to compensate such carrier for any loss or damage such carrier may suffer from the effects of the annexation order upon its operations. However, the city or town may elect to permit the carrier to continue to operate within the annexed area for such period of time, to be determined by the court, as will permit the carrier to liquidate and recover its investment through depreciation.
Code 1950, § 15-152.12; 1952, c. 328; 1960, c. 550; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1042; 1997, c. 587.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 15.2 - Counties, Cities and Towns

Chapter 32 - Boundary Changes of Towns and Cities

§ 15.2-3200. Boundaries of cities and towns to remain as established until changed

§ 15.2-3201. Temporary restrictions on granting of city charters, filing annexation notices, institutions of annexation proceedings, and county immunity proceedings

§ 15.2-3202. Ordinance for annexation by city or town; appointment of special court

§ 15.2-3203. Petition by voters of adjacent territory, or governing body of adjacent county or town, for annexation; voluntary agreement by governing body to reject annexation

§ 15.2-3204. Notice of motion; service and publication

§ 15.2-3205. Additional parties

§ 15.2-3206. Conflicting petitions for same territory; petition seeking territory lying in two or more counties; procedure

§ 15.2-3207. Pretrial conference; matters considered

§ 15.2-3208. Assistance of state agencies

§ 15.2-3209. Hearing and decision

§ 15.2-3210. Boundary line where territory fronts on river, bay, etc.

§ 15.2-3211. Powers of court and rules of decision; terms and conditions

§ 15.2-3212. Determination of value of public improvements

§ 15.2-3213. Declining to accept annexation on terms and conditions imposed by court

§ 15.2-3214. Costs

§ 15.2-3215. County reimbursement for town annexation proceedings

§ 15.2-3216. Proceedings not to fail for technical or procedural defects or errors

§ 15.2-3217. Court granting annexation to exist for 10 years

§ 15.2-3218. Continued existence of court under certain conditions

§ 15.2-3219. Reduced taxation on real estate in territory added to corporate limits

§ 15.2-3220. Mandamus and prohibition

§ 15.2-3221. Appeals; how heard

§ 15.2-3222. What order to be entered by the Supreme Court or the Court of Appeals

§ 15.2-3223. What order and proceedings clerk to certify, and where same shall be recorded; fees

§ 15.2-3224. Commissioner of revenue for the county to certify list of real estate in annexed territory to commissioner of revenue

§ 15.2-3225. County or district officers resident in annexed territory to remain in office; reelection

§ 15.2-3226. Redistricting and elections in city or town following annexation; registration and transfer of registration of voters in annexed territory

§ 15.2-3227. Annexation proceedings final for 10 years

§ 15.2-3228. County not to be reduced to insufficient area, population or sources of revenue

§ 15.2-3229. Annexation of whole town

§ 15.2-3230. Article not applicable to consolidation of two cities

§ 15.2-3231. Agreements between towns and counties authorized; effect; provisions

§ 15.2-3232. Hearing before Commission on Local Government required; notice

§ 15.2-3233. Adoption of agreement

§ 15.2-3234. Inability to agree; petition to Commission on Local Government

§ 15.2-3235. Appeal

§ 15.2-3236. Council may enact ordinance

§ 15.2-3237. Application to be made to circuit court; appointment of special court; who may appear against

§ 15.2-3238. What court may do

§ 15.2-3239. Certification of real estate list

§ 15.2-3240. Transfer of registration records

§ 15.2-3241. Petition for contraction of towns located in two or more counties; appointment of special court

§ 15.2-3242. Parties defendant and publication of such petition

§ 15.2-3243. Hearing and order upon such petition

§ 15.2-3244. Appeal from such order

§ 15.2-3245. Validation of proceedings