Code of Virginia
Chapter 19.1 - Acquisition of Waterworks Systems
§ 15.2-1914. Proceedings dismissed if issuance defeated or bonds cannot be sold; resolution of approval of report not deemed contract to purchase

In the event that such an election is held and the proposed bond issue is not approved therein, or if approved and for any reason the bonds proposed to be issued by any such city or county cannot be sold upon terms which, in the opinion of the city council or other governing body, are reasonably advantageous to such city or county, then, upon motion of such city or county, the proceedings shall be dismissed and there shall be no obligation upon such city or county to take the property or pay the amount fixed by the report of the body determining just compensation, notwithstanding the fact that the council or other governing body may have filed the resolution of approval of the report of the body determining just compensation as provided by § 15.2-1908, nor shall the filing of any such resolution approving the award of the body determining just compensation be deemed to be a contract on the part of any such city or county to purchase or take the property sought to be condemned, or to render any such city or county liable in damages for failure to take same.
1938, p. 49; Michie Code 1942, § 4387a; Code 1950, § 25-53; 2003, c. 940.