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Article 1 - Corporate Political Contributions.
Section 10A-21-1.01 - Establishment of Segregated, Separate Political Funds; Voluntary Contributions; Filing of Disclosure Reports; Violations. - Repealed by Act 2013-311, §3, effective August 1, 2013.
Section 10A-21-1.02 - Giving Aid or Contribution to Political Party or Candidate, etc.; Penalty; Exception for Voluntary Separate Political Fund. - Repealed by Act 2013-311, §3, effective August 1, 2013.
Section 10A-21-1.03 - Limitation on Amount of Political Contribution; Provisions Supplemental. - Repealed by Act 2013-311, §3, effective August 1, 2013.
Section 10A-21-1.04 - Corporation Contributions to Candidates, Parties, Etc. - Repealed by Act 2013-311, §3, effective August 1, 2013.
Article 2 - Corporate Powers of Eminent Domain.
Section 10A-21-2.01 - Power of Eminent Domain in Internal Improvement or Public Utility Corporations. - Corporations formed for the purpose of constructing, operating, or maintaining...
Section 10A-21-2.02 - Condemnation for Ways and Rights-of-Way, etc., by Railroad Companies. - Railroad companies may, by condemnation, acquire real estate for ways...
Section 10A-21-2.03 - Railroads Authorized to Transfer Abandoned Rights-of-Way. - Any railroad is hereby authorized to transfer all rights, title,...
Section 10A-21-2.04 - Condemnation for Rights-of-Way or Easements by Mining, Manufacturing, Industrial, Power, and Quarrying Companies. - (a) Every mining, manufacturing, industrial, power, and quarrying corporation or...
Section 10A-21-2.05 - Condemnation of Ways and Rights-of-Way by Companies Constructing, Operating, or Maintaining Internal Improvement or Public Utility. - Street railroad companies, telegraph, telephone, water, gas, electric, power, canal,...
Section 10A-21-2.06 - Construction Through Curtilage of House, etc., Without Consent Prohibited. - Unless otherwise provided by law, no street railroad company or...
Section 10A-21-2.07 - Condemnation of Water Sources, Riparian Rights and Necessary Lands by Waterworks Corporation. - (a) Corporations authorized to construct and operate waterworks for the...
Section 10A-21-2.08 - Condemnation of Lands for Depots, Yards, and Tracks by Railroads. - Railroads or railroad companies operating in this state may acquire...
Section 10A-21-2.09 - Rights of Condemning Corporations in Selection of Routes and Sites. - Railroads, street railroads, mining, manufacturing, power, quarrying, telegraph, telephone, pipeline,...
Section 10A-21-2.10 - Operation of Transportation Methods for Persons or Property by Railroad, Mining, Manufacturing, and Quarrying Companies. - Railroad companies and mining, manufacturing, and quarrying companies may contract,...
Section 10A-21-2.11 - Conveyance of Franchises, Rights, Roadbed, and Property to Another Railroad Corporation. - Whenever all the capital stock of a railroad corporation formed...
Section 10A-21-2.12 - Aiding of Another Corporation in Railroad Construction or Entering Into Line Arrangements. - (a) Any railroad corporation and any mining, manufacturing, or quarrying...
Section 10A-21-2.13 - Operation of Railroads or Canals Without State and Making Extensions Within State by Railroad, Mining, Manufacturing, and Quarrying Companies. - Railroads, mining, manufacturing, and quarrying companies may purchase, lease, or...
Section 10A-21-2.14 - Construction and Operation of Connections to Public Ways by Mining, Manufacturing, and Quarrying Corporations. - Mining, manufacturing, and quarrying corporations may construct and operate to,...
Section 10A-21-2.15 - Contracting With Local Authorities on Use of Public Roads and Places by Internal Improvement and Public Utility Corporations. - Street railway, gas, electric, and water companies and all other...
Article 3 - Prosecutions of Corporations.
Section 10A-21-3.01 - Docketing and Issuance of Notice of Indictment. - When an indictment is returned against a corporation doing business...
Section 10A-21-3.02 - Service of Notice and Copy; When Case Stands for Trial. - Such notice and copy may be served upon any officer...
Section 10A-21-3.03 - Entry of Not Guilty Plea for Corporation Failing to Appear, Etc. - If the defendant corporation fails to appear and plead to...
Section 10A-21-3.04 - Execution on Judgment; Stay Thereof. - Upon the conviction of such corporation, judgment shall be entered...