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Section 10A-21-1.01 - Establishment of Segregated, Separate Political Funds; Voluntary Contributions; Filing of Disclosure Reports; Violations. - Repealed by Act 2013-311, §3, effective August 1, 2013.
Section 10A-21-1.02 - Giving Aid or Contribution to Political Party or Candidate, etc.; Penalty; Exception for Voluntary Separate Political Fund. - Repealed by Act 2013-311, §3, effective August 1, 2013.
Section 10A-21-1.03 - Limitation on Amount of Political Contribution; Provisions Supplemental. - Repealed by Act 2013-311, §3, effective August 1, 2013.
Section 10A-21-1.04 - Corporation Contributions to Candidates, Parties, Etc. - Repealed by Act 2013-311, §3, effective August 1, 2013.