Code of Alabama
Chapter 8A - Cost-Share Grants for Soil and Water Conservation.
Section 9-8A-12 - Reporting and Accounting by Soil and Water Conservation Districts.

Since appropriations made by the Legislature to the commission are anticipated to be made to the commission with respect to each fiscal year, each soil and water conservation district committee will maintain separate control ledgers and prepare separate reports of work accomplished with allocated funds for each fiscal year. The district supervisor will submit a monthly report to the State Soil and Water Conservation Committee indicating the unobligated balance of allocated funds as shown on each ledger at the close of the last day of each month. Quarterly compilation of the reports shall be submitted by the state to the commission. The districts will also submit through the state committee an annual progress report to the commission. These reports will reflect accomplishments "to date" by program year funds. Annual reports shall be submitted to the commission on or before November 4 each year.
Each district will, based on estimated cost, maintain a record of allocated funds obligated for approved applications.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 9 - Conservation and Natural Resources.

Chapter 8A - Cost-Share Grants for Soil and Water Conservation.

Section 9-8A-1 - Definitions.

Section 9-8A-2 - Legislative Findings and Declaration of Purpose.

Section 9-8A-3 - Commission - Members and Officers; Terms of Office; Vacancies; Compensation and Expenses; Meetings; Quorum; Record of Proceedings; Copies of Proceedings as Evidence; Members and Officers Not Personally Liable.

Section 9-8A-4 - Commission - Powers.

Section 9-8A-4.1 - Commission - Revolving Fund Established; Expenditure of Funds; Appropriation of Funds to Commission.

Section 9-8A-5 - Allocation of Funds to Soil and Water Conservation Districts.

Section 9-8A-6 - Application for Cost-Share Grant.

Section 9-8A-7 - Eligible Soil and Water Conservation Practices.

Section 9-8A-8 - Ineligible Lands.

Section 9-8A-9 - Cost-Share Grant Processing Procedures.

Section 9-8A-10 - Designing of Proposed Soil and Water Conservation Practices.

Section 9-8A-11 - Agreement to Maintain Conservation Practices; Sale of Land With Respect to Which Agreement Is in Effect.

Section 9-8A-12 - Reporting and Accounting by Soil and Water Conservation Districts.

Section 9-8A-13 - Exemption of Commission From Taxation.

Section 9-8A-14 - Exemption of Cost-Share Grants From Taxation.

Section 9-8A-15 - Independence of Commission; Incorporation and Exercise of Powers; Alabama Administrative Procedure Act Inapplicable.

Section 9-8A-16 - Use of Earnings of Commission.