Code of Alabama
Chapter 4 - Geological Survey.
Section 9-4-15 - Contracts Between Survey or Board and Faculty Members or Students - Required; Approval.

In order to secure the services of any person who is qualified under the terms of Sections 9-4-14 through 9-4-19 to do research or experimental or promotional work for the Geological Survey of Alabama or the State Oil and Gas Board, such persons so retained or hired shall be required to enter into an agreement in writing with said survey or board, which agreement, before it becomes binding upon either party, shall be first approved in writing by the State Personnel Department. In the event the services of a faculty member are secured, the contract, as specified in this section, before it becomes binding shall first be approved in writing by the president of the institution in which such faculty member is associated in his official capacity as a faculty member; and, in the event the services of a student are secured, the contract, as specified in this section, before it becomes binding shall first be approved in writing by the dean of the school to which such student is attached in his official capacity as such student. The approval by the president of the institution as in the case of a faculty member or the approval by the dean as in the case of a student shall be in addition to the approval required in this section by the State Personnel Department.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 9 - Conservation and Natural Resources.

Chapter 4 - Geological Survey.

Section 9-4-1 - State Geologist - Qualifications, Appointment and Term of Office; Vacancies.

Section 9-4-2 - State Geologist - Duties Generally.

Section 9-4-4 - State Geologist and Assistant State Geologist May Teach at University of Alabama.

Section 9-4-3 - State Geologist - Appointment of Assistants.

Section 9-4-5 - Limitations Upon Teaching by State Geologist and Assistant State Geologist.

Section 9-4-6 - Compensation for Teaching.

Section 9-4-7 - State Geologist and Assistant State Geologist Not to Participate in Teachers' Retirement System.

Section 9-4-8 - Expenditures From Annual Appropriation.

Section 9-4-9 - Disbursements.

Section 9-4-10 - Bulletins or Reports of State Geologist.

Section 9-4-11 - Execution of Topographic Survey of State; Establishment of Permanent Bench Marks Along Highways, Etc.

Section 9-4-12 - Agreements as to Payment of Expenses of Field Surveys, Etc.

Section 9-4-13 - Right of Entry on Lands for Preparation of Surveys, Etc.

Section 9-4-14 - Survey and Oil and Gas Board May Retain Faculty Members and Students for Research, Etc.

Section 9-4-15 - Contracts Between Survey or Board and Faculty Members or Students - Required; Approval.

Section 9-4-16 - Contracts Between Survey or Board and Faculty Members or Students - Contents.

Section 9-4-17 - Retention of Faculty Members or Students Not to Interfere With Ordinary Duties.

Section 9-4-18 - Persons Retained Not Subject to Merit System Act.

Section 9-4-19 - Compensation of Persons Retained.