Code of Alabama
Chapter 3 - State Forestry Commission.
Section 9-3-5 - State Forester.

It shall be the duty of the Alabama Forestry Commission to appoint with the advice and consent of the Governor a State Forester who shall serve as the executive secretary and administrative officer for the commission. The person so appointed as the State Forester must have earned a minimum of a bachelor of science degree in forestry and must be licensed and registered under the forestry laws of Alabama with considerable experience in the forestry field. The State Forester shall receive a salary as fixed by the commission and shall serve at the pleasure of the commission and shall receive actual expenses when traveling on official business of the commission. Until otherwise provided for by the commission, the present State Forester of the Division of Forestry of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources shall continue to serve as the State Forester under the commission. The State Forester shall devote his full time to the duties of his office. He shall be required to take the oath of office and give bond in the sum of $50,000.00.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 9 - Conservation and Natural Resources.

Chapter 3 - State Forestry Commission.

Section 9-3-1 - Created; Composition; Qualifications, Appointment and Terms of Office of Members.

Section 9-3-2 - Officers; Meetings; Quorum; Record of Proceedings; Compensation and Expenses of Members.

Section 9-3-3 - Vacancies.

Section 9-3-4 - Powers and Duties Generally.

Section 9-3-5 - State Forester.

Section 9-3-6 - Assistant State Forester.

Section 9-3-7 - Offices.

Section 9-3-8 - Members of Commission Not Eligible for Certain Employments.

Section 9-3-9 - Promulgation of Rules and Regulations.

Section 9-3-10 - Alabama Forestry Commission Fund.

Section 9-3-10.1 - Emergency Forest Fire, Insect and Disease Fund; Creation; Annual Automatic Appropriation; Ceiling on Amount; Expenditures; Replenishment; Governor's Approval.

Section 9-3-11 - Steering Committee to Represent Rural Community Fire Departments - Creation.

Section 9-3-12 - Steering Committee to Represent Rural Community Fire Departments - Membership; Appointment, Qualifications and Term of Office of Members; Filling of Vacancies in Office.

Section 9-3-13 - Steering Committee to Represent Rural Community Fire Departments - Recommendations to State Forester.

Section 9-3-14 - Steering Committee to Represent Rural Community Fire Departments - Meetings; Quorum.

Section 9-3-15 - Steering Committee to Represent Rural Community Fire Departments - Compensation and Expenses of Members.

Section 9-3-16 - Advisory Committee on General Forestry Matters.

Section 9-3-17 - Certification as Volunteer Fire Department.

Section 9-3-18 - Public Governmental Entities, Political Subdivisions, etc., Authorized to Make Donations to Organizations Deemed Public in Nature.

Section 9-3-19 - Donation of Fire Control Property.

Section 9-3-20 - Exemption of Timber Lands From Local Fire District Service Charges and Fees; Jurisdiction of Alabama Forestry Commission.