Code of Alabama
Article 2 - Administration of School Lands, Swamp and Overflowed Lands, Etc.
Section 9-15-38 - Sales of Timber or Minerals From School or Swamp and Overflowed Lands.

The Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources may sell or cause to be sold timber from school lands, swamp and overflowed lands, and other lands under the jurisdiction of the State Lands Division, or minerals from school lands or swamp and overflowed lands, when in his or her opinion the timber or minerals is of merchantable quality and quantity. Notice of the sale of the timber or minerals shall be first advertised once a week for two successive weeks in a newspaper published in the county where the timber or minerals are to be sold, and the notice shall also be posted in a public place in the county. The notice shall describe the timber or minerals to be sold and the amount and quality of the timber or minerals to be sold and shall call for bids for the purchase price thereof. The notice shall further contain the date upon which the bids shall be received and the date of the sale. If there are no newspapers published in the county where the sale is to be made, then the notice as described above shall be published in a newspaper of an adjoining county. After the bids are received as provided for under this section, the Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources may sell the timber or minerals to the highest bidder; but, if in his or her opinion the highest bid received is not a fair or reasonable price for the timber or minerals, he or she may readvertise the sale or he or she may continue to hold the timber or minerals until a future time when he or she may again advertise the sale; provided, that the Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources may sell on a negotiated basis timber, the value of which does not exceed fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), from school lands, swamp and overflowed lands, or other lands under the jurisdiction of the State Lands Division when the timber has been damaged or is in a diseased condition, as determined by the State Lands Division, or when it is necessary to remove the timber for right-of-way, construction, or mining purposes.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 9 - Conservation and Natural Resources.

Chapter 15 - Public Lands.

Article 2 - Administration of School Lands, Swamp and Overflowed Lands, Etc.

Section 9-15-30 - Title to Swamp and Overflowed Lands and Swamp and Overflowed Indemnity Lands Patented to State by Federal Government; Utilization, Disposition, etc., of Same Generally.

Section 9-15-31 - Management and Supervision of School Lands, Swamp and Overflowed Lands, Etc.

Section 9-15-32 - Land Clerk - Qualifications and Appointment.

Section 9-15-33 - Land Clerk - Examination, etc., of Lands.

Section 9-15-34 - Institution, etc., of Practice of Forestry and Enforcement of State Fire and Trespass Laws - School Lands.

Section 9-15-35 - Institution, etc., of Practice of Forestry and Enforcement of State Fire and Trespass Laws - Swamp and Overflowed Lands.

Section 9-15-36 - Leasing of School Lands.

Section 9-15-37 - Institution of Civil Actions to Clear Title to School Lands, etc.; Cruising of Timber, Surveying of Lands, Investigation of Claims to Lands, Etc.

Section 9-15-38 - Sales of Timber or Minerals From School or Swamp and Overflowed Lands.

Section 9-15-39 - Disposition of Revenues From Sales of Timber or Minerals or From Rentals or Leases - School Lands.

Section 9-15-40 - Disposition of Revenues From Sales of Timber or Minerals or From Rentals or Leases - Swamp and Overflowed Lands.

Section 9-15-41 - Sales of School Lands - Authorized.

Section 9-15-42 - Sales of School Lands - Issuance of Patents to Purchasers.

Section 9-15-43 - Sales of School Lands - Disposition of Revenues From Sales.

Section 9-15-44 - Exchanges of School Lands.

Section 9-15-45 - Leases, Exchanges or Sales of Swamp and Overflowed Lands.

Section 9-15-46 - Issuance of Patents to Purchasers of Swamp and Overflowed Lands.

Section 9-15-47 - Disposition of Revenue From Sales, etc., of Swamp and Overflowed Lands.

Section 9-15-48 - Claims of Title to Swamp and Overflowed Lands.

Section 9-15-49 - Corrections of Errors in Records Pertaining to School or Swamp and Overflowed Lands - When Required.

Section 9-15-50 - Corrections of Errors in Records Pertaining to School or Swamp and Overflowed Lands - File of Proof Submitted.

Section 9-15-51 - Corrections of Errors in Records Pertaining to School or Swamp and Overflowed Lands - Certifications of Corrected Records.

Section 9-15-52 - Sale or Leasing of Sand or Gravel on Public Water Bottoms and Certain State Lands - Negotiation, Consummation and Administration of Contracts, Leases, Etc.

Section 9-15-53 - Sale or Leasing of Sand or Gravel on Public Water Bottoms and Certain State Lands - Disposition and Expenditure of Revenues.

Section 9-15-54 - Release of Sand for Use in Beach Project.

Section 9-15-55 - Retention by State of Title to Certain Filled Lands; Rights of Access.

Section 9-15-56 - Application for Beach Project; Issuance of Permit.