Any agreed method that identifies the transferor bank is sufficient for the item's further transfer to another bank.
Structure Code of Alabama
Article 4 - Bank Deposits and Collections.
Part 2 - Collection of Items: Depositary and Collecting Banks.
Section 7-4-202 - Responsibility for Collection or Return; When Action Timely.
Section 7-4-203 - Effect of Instructions.
Section 7-4-204 - Methods of Sending and Presenting; Sending Directly to Payor Bank.
Section 7-4-205 - Depositary Bank Holder of Unindorsed Item.
Section 7-4-206 - Transfer Between Banks.
Section 7-4-208 - Presentment Warranties.
Section 7-4-207 - Transfer Warranties.
Section 7-4-209 - Encoding and Retention Warranties.
Section 7-4-211 - When Bank Gives Value for Purposes of Holder in Due Course.
Section 7-4-213 - Medium and Time of Settlement by Bank.
Section 7-4-214 - Right of Charge-Back or Refund; Liability of Collecting Bank; Return of Item.