The complaints provided for in this article must be filed with, and be tried by, the district court for the county in which the lands or tenements are situated.
Structure Code of Alabama
Article 8 - Forcible Entry and Unlawful Detainer.
Section 6-6-330 - Jurisdiction.
Section 6-6-332 - Process - Form of Notice; Service and Return Thereof.
Section 6-6-333 - Process - Neglect or Refusal to Execute by Sheriff or Constable.
Section 6-6-334 - Failure of Witnesses to Attend or Refusal to Testify.
Section 6-6-335 - Proceedings When Parties Appear or Defendant Fails to Do So.
Section 6-6-336 - Extent of Inquiry.
Section 6-6-337 - Proceedings Upon Determination for Either Plaintiff or Defendant.