Code of Alabama
Part 2 - Education.
Section 45-52A-61.05 - Board of Education - Vacancies.

A vacancy on the board of education shall be filled by appointment by a majority of the remaining members of the board of education for the unexpired term. If the vacancy is not filled by the remaining members of the board of education within 45 days, the chair, or the vice chair in the absence of the chair, shall notify the Hartselle City Council which shall fill the vacancy by appointment by a vote of a majority of the members of the city council for the unexpired term. If the vacancy is not filled by the city council within 45 days after notification, the Hartselle Superintendent of Education shall notify the State Superintendent of Education, who shall fill the vacancy by appointment for the unexpired term. A person filling a vacancy on the board of education shall reside in the City of Hartselle. Persons so appointed shall serve the entire unexpired term of the person vacating the position.