The fees collected pursuant to this subpart shall be controlled by the sole discretion of the judge of probate. The Judge of Probate Fund shall be audited by the Department of Examiners of Public Accounts. Records of these expenditures shall be open to the public on a continuous basis.
Structure Code of Alabama
Division 3 - Recording Systems and Fees.
Section 45-50-84.40 - Purpose.
Section 45-50-84.41 - Definitions.
Section 45-50-84.42 - Installation and Maintenance.
Section 45-50-84.43 - Official Record of Instruments.
Section 45-50-84.44 - Relation to Other Laws.
Section 45-50-84.45 - Payment of Costs.
Section 45-50-84.46 - Special Recording Fee - Real Property, Personal Property, and Ucc Instruments.
Section 45-50-84.47 - Special Recording Fee - Probate Court Cases.