Code of Alabama
Part 1 - Compensation.
Section 45-49-230.02 - Salaries - Pay Plan.

(a)(1)a. The repeal of Acts 1976, No. 710, 1976 Regular Session (Acts 1976, p. 990), as amended, will not result in any financial loss for any deputy sheriff of any rank or grade, or both.
b. This subsection shall include actual range and step for every position.
c. Deputies shall receive 50 percent of the state trooper pay adjustment as of October 1, 1981, for each pay period retroactive to October 1, 1981, through pay period ending April 23, 1982.
The new pay range shall be effective with the pay period beginning April 24, 1982.
e. In converting from the State Trooper Pay Plan to the Mobile County Personnel Board Pay Plan, any deputy sheriff of any rank or grade whose adjusted pay falls between steps of the Mobile County Personnel Board Pay Plan shall advance to the next highest step of that pay plan.
(2)a. On May 4, 1982, the minimum compensation for all deputy sheriffs in Mobile County shall not be less than that of the following Mobile County Personnel Board Pay Plan:

c. In no case shall this subsection reduce the compensation for any Sheriff’s Deputy I, Deputy II, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, or Major. Merit increases for any grade shall be approved in accordance with Mobile County Personnel Board procedure. All Deputy Sheriff Is, Deputy Sheriff IIs, Sergeants, Lieutenants, Captains, Majors, or any other grade which may become part of the sheriff’s department shall be paid out of county funds. The compensation provided for above shall correspond to the Mobile County Personnel Board Pay Plan in effect as of April 24, 1982.
(3) In addition to the compensation referred to herein, deputy sheriffs of Mobile County shall be entitled to and receive such subsistencies and allowances as those which were in effect as of October 1, 1981. The subsistencies and allowances shall be paid out of county funds.
(4) From May 4, 1982, all deputy sheriffs of Mobile County shall receive any salary increase, cost-of-living adjustment, or any other increase in compensation granted to any class of county employees. The increase in compensation for the deputy sheriffs shall be equal in amount and shall be paid at the same time as those granted to any class of employees of Mobile County.
(b) From March 17, 1994, all deputy sheriffs of all ranks of Mobile County shall receive any across-the-board pay raises granted to all other Mobile County employees as a whole and shall receive any merit increases received by and on the same basis as all other Mobile County employees as a whole.