The petitioners shall not submit any road or portion of road for consideration in this program that does not connect directly to an existing county, municipal, or state maintained road. Individual property owners shall be required to bear the expense of the purchase of driveway culvert pipe as required to provide adequate drainage and serve the property owner for access to the property. Individual property owners shall be required to execute any right-of-way deed or easement documents as an obligation under this part at no expense to the county. Property owners, individually or jointly, shall be required to bear the cost of any utility relocations necessary to accommodate the roadway improvements and associated drainage improvements. Property owners, individually or jointly, shall be responsible for the relocation of existing fences or private encroachments out of the proposed 60-foot mini-mum width right-of-way at no cost to the county. Individual property owners shall cooperate fully with the chair selected in the petition and coordinate any and all matters concerning the road with and through that designated individual.
Structure Code of Alabama
Article 18 - Highways and Bridges.
Section 45-49-181.01 - Petition by Adjacent Property Owners.
Section 45-49-181.02 - Chair of Petitioners; Petition Requirements.
Section 45-49-181.03 - Prioritized List of Roads; Review; Coordination; Completion of Requirements.
Section 45-49-181.04 - Sequence Dates.
Section 45-49-181.05 - One-Year Extension to Complete Requirements.
Section 45-49-181.06 - Submission of Prioritized List and Report; Selection by County Commission.
Section 45-49-181.07 - Requirements of Property Owners.
Section 45-49-181.08 - Duties of Chair.
Section 45-49-181.10 - Right-of-Way.
Section 45-49-181.11 - Maintenance and Installation of Traffic Control Devices.
Section 45-49-181.12 - Rulemaking Authority; Exemptions; Use of Private Roads.