The salaries and expenses of suitable regular office quarters, and all other expenses of the personnel board, the personnel director, and all other expenses arising under the provisions hereof, unless otherwise herein provided, shall be paid by warrants or requisitions drawn on funds of the personnel board and signed by at least two members thereof. On June 1 of each fiscal year, the personnel board shall prorate the total sum which it has expended for the purposes of this part for the fiscal year between itself, the county, the other cities or appointing authorities or any combination subject to the personnel board, charging each with the part of the total sum so expended as the total payroll of the county, city, or appointing authority, who were subject to this part on the last day of May, bears to the total payroll of the county and all cities and appointing authorities subject to this part, on the last day of May. The percentage arrived at by the personnel board as the proper contribution of each shall be certified to the director of personnel and when approved in writing, shall be used to compute the liability of each respective county, city, or appointing authority, or any combination of them, for the next fiscal year beginning October 1. In the event the salaries of the county, a city, or an appointing authority are paid in part from different treasuries or different funds, in the same treasury, the liability for this contribution shall accrue against such various treasuries or funds in the same proportion, as the salaries of the employees of the county, city, or the appointing authorities are paid therefrom. The personnel board shall submit a budget of expenses for each fiscal year to the supervisory committee with a copy to the governing body of the county, the City of Mobile, and each appointing authority before June 1 for the next fiscal year. The budgets may include expenses incurred in any previous year and not heretofore paid. The governing body of each appointing authority may appear before the board in connection with any budget or any item therein contained. The budget of the personnel board for the next fiscal year shall be fixed by the supervisory committee prior to July 1. Thereafter, the personnel director shall notify each entity of its contribution required which shall be paid in quarterly installments before the beginning of each quarter beginning October 1. In the event any contribution levied hereunder shall not be paid within 30 days after approval by the personnel director, the personnel board may bring suit therefor in any court of competent jurisdiction and any judgment so recovered shall be satisfied from any funds in such treasury or funds against which the contribution levy lies.
Structure Code of Alabama
Part 1 - Civil Service System.
Section 45-49-120 - Definitions.
Section 45-49-120.01 - Unclassified Service.
Section 45-49-120.02 - Personnel Department - Creation.
Section 45-49-120.03 - Personnel Department - Purpose.
Section 45-49-120.04 - Supervisory Committee.
Section 45-49-120.05 - Alternate Method of Selection of Board.
Section 45-49-120.06 - Personnel Board.
Section 45-49-120.07 - Personnel Director.
Section 45-49-120.08 - Rulemaking Authority.
Section 45-49-120.09 - Classification.
Section 45-49-120.10 - Pay Plan.
Section 45-49-120.12 - Vacancies.
Section 45-49-120.13 - Promotions.
Section 45-49-120.14 - Appointments.
Section 45-49-120.15 - Transfers.
Section 45-49-120.16 - Demotions.
Section 45-49-120.17 - Provisional Appointments.
Section 45-49-120.18 - Working Test Period.
Section 45-49-120.19 - Service Ratings.
Section 45-49-120.20 - Layoffs.
Section 45-49-120.21 - Dismissals.
Section 45-49-120.22 - Suspensions.
Section 45-49-122.23 - Political Activities Prohibited.
Section 45-49-120.24 - Pension or Retirement Plan.
Section 45-49-120.25 - Investigations.
Section 45-49-120.26 - Corrupt Practices.
Section 45-49-120.27 - Certification of Payroll.
Section 45-49-120.28 - Attendance of Witnesses; Fees; False Oaths.
Section 45-49-120.29 - Expenses.
Section 45-49-120.30 - Use of Public Buildings.
Section 45-49-120.31 - Legal Services.
Section 45-49-120.32 - Records of the Department.
Section 45-49-120.33 - Court Proceedings.