Code of Alabama
Division 3 - Membership.
Section 45-49-100.41 - Vacancies; Recordkeeping.

The board of school commissioners shall have power to fill any and all vacancies that may occur therein or in the office of superintendent, and the persons that may be elected by the board to fill vacancies shall hold their offices until the term for which their predecessors were elected shall expire. In the event the vacancy is not filled by the remaining members of the Board of School Commissioners of Mobile County, within 30 days from and after the happening of the vacancy, the State Superintendent of Education shall fill such vacancy by appointment. The Superintendent of Education of Mobile County shall notify the State Superintendent of Education when a vacancy in the office of member of the Board of School Commissioners of Mobile County, has not been filled within 30 days. The board shall cause full minutes of their proceedings to be kept in well bound books, subject at all times to the inspection of the citizens of Mobile County. They shall cause to be published semiannually, in a newspaper published in the City of Mobile, a full statement of the revenue and disbursements of the preceding six months, the number of schools kept, of teachers employed, and of pupils instructed. They shall transmit, or cause to be transmitted, annually, to the State Superintendent of Education, to be by him or her laid before the Legislature, a full statement of their receipts and disbursements during the year, and such further information and statistics of their transaction as the superintendent may require.