(a) Wherever used in this article, unless a different meaning clearly appears in the context, the following terms and others evidently intended as the equivalent thereof, shall be given the following respective interpretations:
(1) APPLICANT. A natural person who files a written application with the governing body of Marengo County, or with the governing body of any municipality in such county in accordance with Section 45-46-90.02.
(2) AUTHORITY. A public corporation organized pursuant to this article.
(3) AUTHORIZING COUNTY. Marengo County, Alabama, provided the governing body thereof shall have adopted an authorizing resolution.
(4) AUTHORIZING MUNICIPALITY. Any municipality in the county, the governing body of which shall have adopted an authorizing resolution.
(5) AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION. The resolution that authorizes the incorporation of an authority, adopted by the governing body of the county or the governing body of any municipality in the county in accordance with Section 45-46-90.02.
(6) BOARD. The board of directors of an authority.
(7) BONDS. Includes bonds, notes, and certificates representing an obligation to pay money.
(8) COUNTY. Marengo County, Alabama.
(9) DIRECTOR. A member of the board of directors of the authority.
(10) DOCK FACILITIES. Docks and all kinds of dock facilities, including elevators, warehouses, water and rail terminals, wharves, piers, quays, compresses, and other related structures, facilities, and improvements that may be needed for the convenient use of the inland waterways of the state, as well as the land on which such facilities are located, which lie within the county.
(11) GOVERNING BODY. With respect to a municipality, its city or town council, board of commissioners, or other like governing body. Governing body with respect to the county means the county commission.
(12) HEREIN, HEREBY, HEREUNDER, HEREOF, AND OTHER EQUIVALENT WORDS. This article as an entirety and not solely to the particular section or portion thereof in which any such word is used.
(13) INCORPORATORS. The persons forming a public corporation organized pursuant to this article.
(14) MUNICIPALITY. An incorporated city or town in Marengo County, Alabama.
(15) PERSON. Unless limited to a natural person by the context in which it is used, includes a public or private corporation, a municipality, the county, or an agency, department, or instrumentality of the state or of the county or of a municipality therein.
(16) PRINCIPAL OFFICE. The place at which the certificate of incorporation and amendments thereto, the by-laws, and the minutes of the proceedings of the board of an authority are kept.
(17) PROPERTY. Includes real and personal property, and interests therein.
(18) STATE. The State of Alabama.
(b) The definitions set forth in this section shall be deemed to include both singular and plural and to cover all genders.
Structure Code of Alabama
Article 9 - Economic and Industrial Development and Tourism.
Section 45-46-90 - Legislative Findings.
Section 45-46-90.01 - Definitions.
Section 45-46-90.02 - Filing of Application; Resolution.
Section 45-46-90.03 - Certificate of Incorporation.
Section 45-46-90.04 - Amendments to Certificate of Incorporation.
Section 45-46-90.05 - Board of Directors.
Section 45-46-90.06 - Powers of the Authority.
Section 45-46-90.07 - Charges for Use of Authority Facilities.
Section 45-46-90.08 - Bonds of the Authority.
Section 45-46-90.09 - Power to Contract.
Section 45-46-90.10 - Lien on Pledge of Revenues.
Section 45-46-90.11 - Proceeds From the Sale of Bonds.
Section 45-46-90.13 - Liability for Civil Damages.
Section 45-46-90.14 - Exemption From Taxation.
Section 45-46-90.15 - Freedom of Authority From State Supervision and Control.
Section 45-46-90.16 - Port Director; Administrative Assistant; Other Employees.
Section 45-46-90.17 - Audit of Records.