Code of Alabama
Division 1 - Fees.
Section 45-46-84.01 - Special Court Filing Fee.

(a) In Marengo County, a special court filing fee of ten dollars ($10) shall be collected by the judge of probate on all petitions that initiate a judicial proceeding in the probate court of the county. The special court filing fee shall be in addition to all other filing fees required by law to be collected.
(b) The judge of probate shall deposit all funds collected into a special fund to be maintained by the judge of probate for improved recording, archiving, Internet technology, preservation, and retrieving of records and other equipment, maintenance, training, and services necessary for the improvement of the recording, court, and license divisions of the office of the judge of probate.
(c) This section is cumulative. Nothing contained in this section shall alter or change an existing law relating to charges and fees to be collected by the Judge of Probate of Marengo County.