The Clerk of the Twenty-third Judicial Circuit shall appoint the person now serving as Clerk of the Madison County Court as a deputy circuit court clerk. The person shall serve as a deputy circuit court clerk under the Madison County Personnel Act, provided that the compensation of the person shall be no less than the annual compensation being received on November 1, 1973. Upon the death, resignation, or removal from office of such deputy clerk, the office shall be eliminated and abolished. The circuit court clerk shall also appoint administrative or clerical personnel serving in the Madison County Court or any successor court on November 1, 1973, in like capacities. Such personnel shall be compensated under the Madison County Personnel Act.
Structure Code of Alabama
Division 1 - Circuit Clerk, Deputy Circuit Clerks, and Court Administrator.
Section 45-45-81 - Circuit Court Clerk - Transfer of Duties and Functions.
Section 45-45-81.02 - Circuit Court Clerk - Ex-Officio Clerk of the Madison County Court.
Section 45-45-81.04 - Court Administrator.
Section 45-45-81.05 - Disposition of Funds.
Section 45-45-81.06 - Supervision of Deputy Clerks.