The placement of control devices and timing of yellow lights and red light clearance intervals, adopted by the city, shall conform to the most recent edition of the Traffic Engineering Handbook. It shall be presumed that the city is in compliance with this section unless the contrary is shown by a preponderance of the evidence.
Structure Code of Alabama
Chapter 41A - Lee County Municipalities.
Section 45-41A-41 - Short Title; Adoption of Procedures.
Section 45-41A-41.01 - Legislative Findings.
Section 45-41A-41.02 - Definitions.
Section 45-41A-41.03 - Utilization of Photographic Traffic Signal Enforcement System.
Section 45-41A-41.04 - Notice of Violation.
Section 45-41A-41.06 - Order of Municipal Court; Judicial Review.
Section 45-41A-41.07 - Appellate Review.
Section 45-41A-41.08 - Identifying Owner of Vehicle.
Section 45-41A-41.09 - Late Fees; Record of Civil Violations.
Section 45-41A-41.10 - Statistical Data.
Section 45-41A-41.11 - Control Devices and Timing.
Section 45-41A-41.12 - Criminal Violations.
Section 45-41A-41.13 - Civil Action Against Person Operating Vehicle.