Any person, firm, or corporation taxable under this part having a cash and credit business may report such cash business, and the taxpayer shall thereafter include in each monthly report all credit collections made during the month preceding and shall pay the taxes due thereon at the time of filing such report, but in no event shall the gross proceeds of such credit business be included in the measure of the tax to be paid until collections of such credit business shall have been made.
Structure Code of Alabama
Chapter 3A - Barbour County Municipalities.
Section 45-3A-51 - Renting or Furnishing Rooms, Lodging or Accommodations.
Section 45-3A-51.01 - Collection of Tax.
Section 45-3A-51.02 - Payment of Taxes.
Section 45-3A-51.03 - Cash and Credit Businesses.
Section 45-3A-51.04 - Returns; Computation, Deduction, and Transmission of Tax.
Section 45-3A-51.05 - Maintenance of Records.
Section 45-3A-51.06 - Oaths; Perjury.
Section 45-3A-51.07 - Inspection of Reports and Returns.
Section 45-3A-51.08 - Failure to Collect Tax.
Section 45-3A-51.09 - Collection by Civil Suit.
Section 45-3A-51.10 - Application of Part.