Code of Alabama
Part 1 - Chair.
Section 45-39-70 - Election of Chair; Term; Salary; Duties.

(a) This section shall apply only in Lauderdale County.
(b)(1) Effective beginning the next general election for the election of the Lauderdale County Commission, the Chair of the Lauderdale County Commission shall be elected on a countywide basis. The chair shall take office at the same time as members of the Lauderdale County Commission take office and shall serve a four-year term, or until a successor is elected and qualified. The chair shall preside over meetings of the county commission and shall vote only in the case of tie vote of the commissioners. After the election of the first chair as provided in this section and thereafter, the judge of probate shall no longer serve as chair of the county commission.
(2) The salary of the Chair of the Lauderdale County Commission shall be forty thousand dollars ($40,000) per year payable in equal semi-monthly installments from the general fund of the county.
(3) In addition to the other duties and responsibilities of the chair, the Chair of the Lauderdale County Commission shall do all of the following:
a. Promote economic development in the county.
b. Establish and enhance intergovernmental partnerships.
c. Serve as the representative of Lauderdale County and the Lauderdale County Commission on any boards, committees, or other organizations that require representation of the county.
d. Perform any other duties as determined by a majority vote of the county commission.