The district court judge may call upon the district attorney to investigate the demand for extradition, to report the situation and circumstances of the person so demanded, and to recommend whether the person should be surrendered.
Structure Code of Alabama
Part 5 - Extradition of Tribal Fugitive
Section 45-27-84 - Definitions.
Section 45-27-84.01 - Extradition Authorized.
Section 45-27-84.02 - Written Request for Extradition.
Section 45-27-84.03 - Procedures When Tribal Fugitive Under Criminal Prosecution.
Section 45-27-84.04 - Warrant of Arrest.
Section 45-27-84.05 - Investigation, Report, and Recommendation of District Attorney.
Section 45-27-84.06 - Notice; Extradition Proceeding; Waiver.
Section 45-27-84.07 - Determination of Accused as Tribal Fugitive.
Section 45-27-84.08 - Delivery of Tribal Fugitive Without Warrant.
Section 45-27-84.09 - Confinement of Tribal Fugitive in County Jail.
Section 45-27-84.10 - Relation to State Extradition Statutes.