(a) The Dale County Law Library Fund shall be expended by the presiding Judge of the Circuit Court of Dale County for maintaining the library and to provide for court security and more effective administration of justice. The judge shall draw warrants on the county for the expenditures by him or her, indicating on the warrants the fund against which the warrants are drawn. The fund shall be used to purchase books and periodicals, and to pay the salaries of personnel as may, in the opinion of the judge, be advisable, and the funds may be expended for the maintenance of the library, to provide court security, and to provide for the more effective administration of justice, including, but not limited to, registration fees and other actual expenses incurred in attending seminars, institutes, conferences, and other meetings in conjunction with continuing legal and judicial education, membership fees or dues in legal and judicial organizations, and other actual and necessary expenses incurred by circuit and district judges in Dale County in promoting legal and judicial competency. The management of the library is vested in the presiding circuit judge and all books and other property purchased with funds produced by this subpart shall be property of Dale County, Alabama. The judge may from time to time, sell or exchange any books, reports, periodicals, and personal property for use in the library and the judge may accept gifts for the Dale County Law Library for public use in the library upon terms and conditions as may be stipulated by the donor or lender thereof and as may be agreeable to the judge. The presiding circuit judge for the county may hire a librarian or appoint librarians and assistants as are necessary for the proper operation of the library. The presiding judge of the circuit shall appoint an advisory committee to the county law library.
(b) The judge may appoint personnel as may be necessary or proper to operate the library, and to the extent that circumstances permit, may designate the court reporter, the Clerk of the Circuit Court, the Register of the Circuit Court in Equity, or one or more deputy circuit clerks or registers, to operate the same, or to assist them.